Friday, February 10, 2012


Have you ever thought about death, or so-called "After Life", or is it a dark, uncharted territory that you do not want to be bothered with ...

until it is too late?

Some say it's not true ... some say there is a purgatory where the cleansing of the soul happens. Many would say that only part of the clouds into the air and come back again and maybe reincarnate our favorite dog, or a tree or bees in a totally different time and place. But what if there really is a heaven and hell? What happens if the day that you breathe 's last, there really is a place where there is no turning back and you will only realize that bitter, bitter regret when you're there, the seat of opinion and reality dawns you are going to face hell, because you got your heaven? What to do?

It would not be wise, as we are sure of our family and relatives of insurance plans and provisions in case the premature happens, we should look at where our soul is going to go in case of unexpected occurs. After all, if all I say now is nonsense and we simply "disappear" when you die, as some think, you lose nothing. It is as if you've just wasted a teeny, tiny fraction of your time in the botherings this fool writing this. Nothing wrong, right? But if, if for some strange reason I am right, and you realize it until it is too late, you risk losing everything. It is going to be a sin, a shame that you ignored what I tell you this right now.

Well, it's just simple. So simple that even a child of three can understand it. Want to be sure you go to heaven? Here are three easy steps to climb. Yes, it is also easy as ABC!

* *- A dmit you are a sinner and can not save themselves. We are all sinners and we can not go to heaven when you die unless someone takes over and suffer for our sins.

* *- B elieve that Jesus died on the cross for your sins ... and mine too! What has been your punishment, He bore on his body and died the most cruel, violent death for you ... and me! What could be the greatest manifestation of love than the cross of Jesus? Ever seen that famous film Passion of the Christ? It is a lightweight version of what God has gone through great lengths just to save you.

* C *- onfess that Jesus is Lord & and invite him as personal Lord and Savior of your life. For he is the only way, truth and life. No one can come to heaven except through him. John 14:6 ()

That's it! 3 simple ladder to climb!

A safe haven when you die! Now, do not be afraid of death!

So easy, huh!?!

Yes, because the Lord has already done the hardest and most horrifying part. All you have to do is accept. Yes, I agree. Just like a gift, can not be yours until you take the "gift" of salvation will not be true for you unless you take it.

Let me take a simple prayer of faith to accept Jesus in your heart. It 's just one example, you can do yours for you if you like. What counts is the sincere expression of your heart.
Here goes:

"Father in heaven,
I come to you today, humbly admit that I am a sinner saved by grace alone ... Thy grace. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so I can go to heaven when I die. I confess that Jesus is Lord and that he is the only way for me to have eternal life ... with you. I accept you as my Lord and Savior today. Change me and use me for your glory. In the most powerful name of Jesus I pray,

So, congratulations!
See you in heaven then, okay?!
I hope to share with someone you love and then let someone share to someone else, too ...! Talk about the power of one. The sky is a great place, great. Most of us get, the funnier it will be! Share the good news of salvation, my friends!

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