Thursday, May 31, 2012

Family Pride

There's an old joke about what firecracker junior told another: "My pop is bigger than a pop!" And this statement is often the case among young people today. Maybe not in so many words, but the pride of having the best dad in the world is common.

Jesus clearly tells us in Scripture that this adage is not to be the case: "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me" . (Matthew 10:37) often put our focus and pride for our families. Nothing comes before family. Everything is done for the good of the family. But then the family becomes the idol of our lives, rather than Jesus is a truth seductive and almost invisible.

But take heart! Jesus knows that we all love our families and want the best for them. He will allow us to continue to love them even download our first love him. How? One step at a time! We shift gears from said first, then confirm with our families, and finally be able to demonstrate a situation at a time. It is not a natural thing to say and do. Yet with Jesus: God first, family next, then the church will become a litany natural as breathing and eating. Let's take our families to Jesus! He knows better, just as the Father knows best!

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why do Christians get sick

Why do Christians get sick?
Part 1

In today's world we seem to blame God for everything. Let's disease, illness and even death is an act of God or the will of God We should stop blaming God for all and turn to see what the Bible has to say about why Christians get sick? The Bible gives three reasons for sickness and physical problems, all our afflictions fall into one of these categories.

1. To glorify God
In John's Gospel, Chapter 9, verses1-3, we read of a man who was blind from birth. Neither he nor his parents sinned. The Bible asked: "Who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, 'Neither he nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him'. "

The Apostle had a thorn in the flesh. "He prayed three times for healing, but the Lord said, 'My grace is sufficient for you'." II Corinthians 12:7-9. If this is our fate in life and we are sick or dying, we can say as Paul said: "For I have learned in whatever state I am, it must be satisfied." If our grief is for the glory of God, all the prayers of the world does not remove it.

2. Sins unacknowledged
In 1 Corinthians 11: 28-32, we read of weakness, illness and early death to come when believers would not confess their sins. They were judged by God "For this reason many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. "

Sickness, sin, is a review of the Lord, but can be removed if we make things right with the Lord. All the prayers in the world will not heal pain caused by sin. Only prayer and repentance can remove it. If prayer and repentance does not remove the pain, then the problem may be due to a third reason that the Bible gives the violation of the laws of God, health!

3. The violation of health standards of God
We read in 1 Corinthians 3:16-18: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" If any man defile the temple of God, God will destroy him is, for God's temple is holy , which temple ye are. That no man deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool that he may be wise. "1 Corinthians 6: 19-20. "What?" Do not you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit, which is God. " If Christians do not care for his body, God will destroy him! If you can trust to take care of what we have now, how can we have confidence in heaven for all eternity?

Dear fellow Christians, we take a good look at ourselves to see if they violate God's laws of health. Let us fall on my knees and ask for understanding on what the Bible says about the care of our bodies. We can start taking care of ourselves today. So let's get healthy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saving God's Word

There are advantages to learning Scripture verses by heart now?

In this world while the idea of memorizing Scripture verses may seem a bit 'old-fashioned.

There are many ways to be part of your life writing and this is what is important if we are to have strong spiritual roots and grow a deeper relationship with God having Christian music of the day is a good way, the music still worship better. Many of our worship songs are taken directly from the Bible, and are a great way to dip our soul and spirit in God

There was, however, a time in my life where I spent a lot of time and energy memorizing verses from the Bible reference before and after the verse.

These were my reasons at the time

1. If the word of God is living and active and powerful, then why not make a deep part of me.

2. If I was to share my faith, then the word of God has an impact far more than my words. The Bible has much more credibility and more that my views, and people could go back and read for themselves.

3. It 'been a tool I wanted to develop skills in. V. 2 Timothy 2 v. 15

4. I may bring to mind the verses that were particularly meaningful or encouraging at times when I felt discouraged.

5. I memorized the verse that God had used to talk to me about specific things or going in my life at that time.

I would write the verses in the cards and just carry around with me, practicing in odd moments, until I was word perfect.

Even if I do this intentionally so now I have to say that the effect of continuing to do that then, was much deeper than I ever imagined. Even through the storms of life, I felt the impact of sowing the Word of God in my life rooting and fruit production. We developed strength of my faith, which was noticed by others. The Holy Spirit on many occasions, sometimes many years after I had memorized the verse, brought it to mind when I really need. Not only to help me, but to use it for others. I do not remember now the exact chapter and the number of verses, or verbatim verses, but it takes me long to remember the sense of it and find if there is a close Bible. Can not have a Bible with me, but the Holy Spirit is Able to bring the verse that I learned many years ago, right in front of my mind, just when I need it.

As the Word of God is one of the few things that last forever, I want to put as much of it in my life that I can no matter which method you use. If you sow the Word of God, you will spend your life time of fruit harvest is positive in your life. Storage is still one of the most effective ways to do it and I highly recommend it.

Monday, May 28, 2012

If the vision of Late

Habakkuk 2 verse 3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but ultimately you have to speak and not lie: if you tarry, wait, why some will and will not linger. "

Have you ever had a vision of God? Have you ever had a clear word from God that he is about to do something? Do the months and years pass without the vision fulfilled? You have almost given up on your vision? Has the devil whispered to you, "God has not given a vision, God speaks to you, you could say goodbye to .... look at you, until something happens."

Well, my friend, I'm here to tell you that God is not the man he did not mind. All throughout the Bible, the stories are recorded of men and women who received a vision or clear word from God, but had to wait for it to be fulfilled. Time does not permit me to tell the tales of Noah, how he found grace in the eyes of the Lord, received a clear word from God, but had to wait days and years for the word that must be met. How about Abraham and Sarah? God has given them a clear word that they were going to have a child even if it seemed impossible. Sarah laughed at the thought. Yet, God fulfilled his word at the right time. How about Moses, who had to wait 40 years for its vision to be fulfilled? It 'been humiliated in the desert before they take the position that God had created for him. I could go on and clear words about the Lord, visions and dreams, and answers to prayers that have been delayed for the purpose of God

I tell you, waiting for your vision, your word from the Lord. It will definitely happen. These five little words are often recorded in the Bible "And it came." God's time is always perfect, but can not understand why delays. Remember how Lazarus was lying cold in the grave for four days, but then Jesus came and raised him from death? It seemed too late to Lazarus, but God received the glory. For with God nothing is impossible.

In 1987, I received a clear word, yes, even a vision of the Lord. This vision has not yet been met, but I feel in my spirit that the time that happens is fast approaching. Please pray that the Lord would renew this vision, confirm this view, and would be satisfied. Your word of the Lord, too, is fulfilled. Solomon said it well in Ecclesiastes: "There is a time and a purpose for everything under heaven." May the Lord's will be done on earth as in heaven.

Isaiah 30 verse 18: "So will the Lord wait, that he have mercy on you, and then he will be exalted, that he may have mercy on you: because the Lord is a God of judgment: Blessed are all who wait for him.

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, May 14, 2012

I drove home By My Old Church

Jeremiah 6.16 "Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, there walk in it. "

Today, Wednesday, July 12, 2005, I rode with my old home church, Youmans Chapel. Seeing the church has brought many good memories.

The year was 1959 and I was in second grade. Members of Youmans Chapel Baptist Church called my father, the late Rev. AJ Rozier, to be their pastor. This small country church was in a farming community and the congregation was made up of some guys to the ground. We sang hymns from the old hymn ... I still hear the song leader said: "Get your song book and turn to page 57 and let's all sing Amazing Grace as we mean it." Some of the other songs that still ring in my ears are "On the road to Jericho," "Camping in Canaanland", "Just a little 'talk with Jesus" and "I'll Fly Away." Many of the congregation could really sing and pianist sure could rattle keys. Back in those days, we did not have nurseries and the like, so the children and all children sit with their parents. Dad was a bi-vocational preacher ... also sold furniture. He knew that God had called him to preach and pastor at Youmans Chapel. I see him now, standing behind that wooden pulpit, offering a message to the congregation hungry ... a message directly from the throne of God

We had some small Sunday school rooms, but we had no social hall. The sanctuary was air conditioned, so we used those cardboard hand-held fans to remove heat from the hot Georgia summer. We made two gas heaters for the cold of winter. After all revival week, we spead Sunday dinner on tables set under towering pines. Man, there was certainly a good home cooked food and deserts to those eatings Sunday! After dinner, we returned to church and sang special. I enjoyed immensely listening to those good old gospel songs, even though I was a baby. Daddy preached at Youmans Chapel until mid-1965, and has been called to another church. The Lord has called home .. Daddy was 40 in 1966.

Some of the families who participated Youmans Chapel were related to each other, and Mr. Youmans, who donated the land for the church. I remember with affection the Carter Youmans, Eatons, Godwins, Howells, Pittmans, Bowens, Moores, strips, Dowlings, Harpers and Bryants. All these people occupy a special place in my heart. Sister Margaret Bacon played the piano, and her husband, Gene, was an intimate friend of my dad. These two could really sing, and had beautiful children. Brother Gene and my dad are now singing around the throne.

I helped David Pittman, whose father was a deacon SL, with his farm. David grew tobacco, corn, soybeans, pecans and raised pigs. We worked hard but had fun working and we always ate good dinners. David's wife, Ruby, her mother. Mrs. Pittman, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Harper took turns cooking for us. We ate like kings! When Wednesday rolled around, we always beat out early so you can go to prayer meeting. Were well attended and the Lord answered many a prayer put into these meetings.

When I was 19, I joined the army and remained for several years. Every time I came home on leave, I visit with my old friends at Youmans Chapel. In 1987, I was discharged from the army and went home. My three children and I (I was a single parent), began attending Youmans Chapel. I taught Sunday School and sometimes preaches ... behind that same pulpit where my dad had once stood. The pastor, the Rev. Lowell Lee was a man full of God's spirit, and very encouraged me to preach the word of God Later, his brother Lee, retired, and then the Lord has moved elsewhere. I have not attended Youmans Chapel, but I would go there on occasion. The last time I preached from that pulpit old New Year's Eve, 1993, in a watch night service. There were few of us there, but the Lord's presence was very special that night.

Now the sanctuary of the old church is used primarily for youth. A great new building, including several Sunday school rooms, a large social hall, pastor office, reception and sits more on some of the farm land where I was helping David. Most of the farms in that community are no more. Hectares of fields where crops once grew is subdivisions. Youmans Chapel community has quickly filled with people and I hope that the church is still a light that shines on the small hill. Things change, people come and go, but the Lord does not change. Sometimes I feel like change is not for the better ... As the old expression: "If it is not broke, do not fix it".

Yes, as I drove by the church, I remembered my childhood, that little sanctuary full of people of all ages, raising their voices to the sky singing about Jesus times were less complicated and therefore, in my humble opinion, the churches were, too.

"Oh, I'd go back to that country church, to hear their songs of praise ... I'm redeemed by love divine, glory, glory, Christ is my all to Him I resign, I have been redeemed. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful beach. "

Isaiah 46.9 "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is no other, I am God, and there is none like me"

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier