Monday, May 28, 2012

If the vision of Late

Habakkuk 2 verse 3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but ultimately you have to speak and not lie: if you tarry, wait, why some will and will not linger. "

Have you ever had a vision of God? Have you ever had a clear word from God that he is about to do something? Do the months and years pass without the vision fulfilled? You have almost given up on your vision? Has the devil whispered to you, "God has not given a vision, God speaks to you, you could say goodbye to .... look at you, until something happens."

Well, my friend, I'm here to tell you that God is not the man he did not mind. All throughout the Bible, the stories are recorded of men and women who received a vision or clear word from God, but had to wait for it to be fulfilled. Time does not permit me to tell the tales of Noah, how he found grace in the eyes of the Lord, received a clear word from God, but had to wait days and years for the word that must be met. How about Abraham and Sarah? God has given them a clear word that they were going to have a child even if it seemed impossible. Sarah laughed at the thought. Yet, God fulfilled his word at the right time. How about Moses, who had to wait 40 years for its vision to be fulfilled? It 'been humiliated in the desert before they take the position that God had created for him. I could go on and clear words about the Lord, visions and dreams, and answers to prayers that have been delayed for the purpose of God

I tell you, waiting for your vision, your word from the Lord. It will definitely happen. These five little words are often recorded in the Bible "And it came." God's time is always perfect, but can not understand why delays. Remember how Lazarus was lying cold in the grave for four days, but then Jesus came and raised him from death? It seemed too late to Lazarus, but God received the glory. For with God nothing is impossible.

In 1987, I received a clear word, yes, even a vision of the Lord. This vision has not yet been met, but I feel in my spirit that the time that happens is fast approaching. Please pray that the Lord would renew this vision, confirm this view, and would be satisfied. Your word of the Lord, too, is fulfilled. Solomon said it well in Ecclesiastes: "There is a time and a purpose for everything under heaven." May the Lord's will be done on earth as in heaven.

Isaiah 30 verse 18: "So will the Lord wait, that he have mercy on you, and then he will be exalted, that he may have mercy on you: because the Lord is a God of judgment: Blessed are all who wait for him.

Copyright 2005 Irvin L. Rozier

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