Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saving God's Word

There are advantages to learning Scripture verses by heart now?

In this world while the idea of memorizing Scripture verses may seem a bit 'old-fashioned.

There are many ways to be part of your life writing and this is what is important if we are to have strong spiritual roots and grow a deeper relationship with God having Christian music of the day is a good way, the music still worship better. Many of our worship songs are taken directly from the Bible, and are a great way to dip our soul and spirit in God

There was, however, a time in my life where I spent a lot of time and energy memorizing verses from the Bible reference before and after the verse.

These were my reasons at the time

1. If the word of God is living and active and powerful, then why not make a deep part of me.

2. If I was to share my faith, then the word of God has an impact far more than my words. The Bible has much more credibility and more that my views, and people could go back and read for themselves.

3. It 'been a tool I wanted to develop skills in. V. 2 Timothy 2 v. 15

4. I may bring to mind the verses that were particularly meaningful or encouraging at times when I felt discouraged.

5. I memorized the verse that God had used to talk to me about specific things or going in my life at that time.

I would write the verses in the cards and just carry around with me, practicing in odd moments, until I was word perfect.

Even if I do this intentionally so now I have to say that the effect of continuing to do that then, was much deeper than I ever imagined. Even through the storms of life, I felt the impact of sowing the Word of God in my life rooting and fruit production. We developed strength of my faith, which was noticed by others. The Holy Spirit on many occasions, sometimes many years after I had memorized the verse, brought it to mind when I really need. Not only to help me, but to use it for others. I do not remember now the exact chapter and the number of verses, or verbatim verses, but it takes me long to remember the sense of it and find if there is a close Bible. Can not have a Bible with me, but the Holy Spirit is Able to bring the verse that I learned many years ago, right in front of my mind, just when I need it.

As the Word of God is one of the few things that last forever, I want to put as much of it in my life that I can no matter which method you use. If you sow the Word of God, you will spend your life time of fruit harvest is positive in your life. Storage is still one of the most effective ways to do it and I highly recommend it.

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