Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A homeland for the Jews

God condemned the Jews to wander until Messiah, but blessed every other tribe of Israel, a national treasure? Does it make sense? God is just? Israel is so holier than Judah? Or it could be, as Herbert Armstrong taught in the United States and Britain in Prophecy, that Israel's punishment was to last for 2,520 years (Lev. 26:21),?

After that time, around 1800, because of Abraham's obedience, God decreed that He will grant his blessing. Which has 2,520 years of punishment apply only to the Northern Kingdom of Israel? God has a double standard? After removing the Kingdom of God of Judah was not his responsibility to restore it on time?

Perhaps the Anglo-Saxon and European peoples take these prophecies into their own hands? They managed to create their countries without a warrant divine signs and miracles, or prophetic leadership?

For those who have eyes to see, the countries stems from the biblical divine mandate since only God determines the rise and fall of nations! Many of our founding fathers were inspired of God, against their will, to fulfill our manifest destiny. overall plan of God is greater than any single man.

God raised up Theodore Herzl to inspire the Jewish people with the Biblical idea of having a Jewish state again. He has written and spoken extensively, planting the seed of holy imagination in Judah's mind.

Later, during the British Mandate, the British began to look "favorably" to the establishment of an independent Jewish homeland, watering the seeds of a saint. The Balfour Declaration was part of a divine mandate to restore Judah to "Palestine" (a satanic word the Romans in an attempt to erase the bad name of our father Israel off the map - Ps. 83:4).

God utilized political Zionism for its own purposes, as it used the American rebellion against the English throne. On the surface, were not so special or righteous, but both have helped to fulfill the prophecy.

Regarding the treatment of the former inhabitants of the land that God has decreed for his people, whether Arabs or Indians, I am sure that the Canaanites would offer condemned fierce but others would see God's purpose being worked out, however imperfectly the limited human vision. God turns any injustice in its own way and time (2 Sam. 21:1-14), but rejects accusations that exaggerate or exploit them to deny our fundamental right to the lands of the Bible who chose for us (Acts 17: 26).

As the Greeks are representative of all nations, to which Jews are representative of all Israel. E 'in Israel, particularly Jews, whom God has committed the "oracles of God" (Rom 3:2). The oracles of God includes Patti DIVINE AND PROMISES (Rom. 9:4-5). Jews hold, in trust, the act biblical land / alliance in the Holy Land for all the twelve tribes!

God made a COVENANT with LAND-Israel (Genesis 00:07, 13:15, 15:18, 17:08, 26:3, 28:13, 35:12). Not once did promise the Holy Land for the "Palestinians" (Philistines), so Bible-believers must reject their illegitimate demands! Those who try to justify foreign occupation of our country or the terrible treatment of our people because of our sins are condemning themselves to God! (Isaiah 47:6, Jer. 50:7, Zech. 1.15).

There are many scriptures that speak of an amount REPRESENTATIVE OF Jews living in Israel before Christ comes. Shamefully, the ministers of God and therefore the Church, were often in front of what God is doing in Israel today. We managed to see the wonders God has wrought, the types of things that herald the biggest to come!

We have ignored the biblical principle of duality and have nit picked the prophecies demanding all or nothing! With this limited vision would never have argued with Peter on the day of Pentecost / Shavuot about Joel's prophecy fulfilled! However, it certainly was - in part! (Acts 2.16 to 21).

Consider the following:

God has promised to "save Zion and build the cities of Judah" (Ps. 69:35). Has faithfully done that by rewarding the efforts Jewish (Annuit Coeptus) and respecting their blood, sweat and tears! (Isa. 61:4, Ps. 102:13-14). God used the Jews to make the desert bloom like a rose and protected during this conversion process, as required by Moses (Deut. 33:7).

I praise God for having blessed me to have lived in eight kibbutzim (collective-farms) throughout Israel that have helped to make these prophecies pioneer!

God clearly prophesied through Zechariah chapters 12-14 that the Jews would again be living in their ancient capital of Jerusalem, with their rulers and that the "United Nations" will oppose and ultimately be defeated. Zechariah also shows the long-awaited recognition of Jesus by the Jews as God's Son and Judah's firstborn, and sincere repentance of the political (House of David) and religious (House of Levi) establishment. In fact, Jesus said that the Jews in Jerusalem have not wanted to see again until they had this necessary change of heart (Matt. 23:39).

Zechariah also reveals that the Jews would again be a formidable military power in the Middle East with God working in and through and for them. Many Israelis know that God is their true general and many miracles on their behalf. I heard Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, recount his miraculous experience of divine protection on the Golan Heights many times.

And 'important to note that God inspired the holy prophets to write about flesh and blood real Jews who live in Israel - not Jewish imposters!

Why? Because those who suffer from disease of anti-Semitism are out to spread doubt and confusion about the Jewish identity of Israel! They publish slanderous hate literature attempting to poison their minds against the Jews by promoting quack racial theories and Nazi propaganda.

It's nothing less than Satan's desperate efforts to deny that God has the power to prophesy! Bible believers to reject their bitter lies knowing God's Word is true!

Zechariah also agrees with the New Testament prophecies that reveal Jerusalem as a thriving Jewish city that will suffer under a harsh occupation Dear just before the Messiah arrives in time (Revelation 11:02, Zech. 14:2).

Christ liberate Jerusalem as its headquarters and secure! Jerusalem, the site of David's Throne, will be the seat of government of God! Jesus as the prophet Daniel, foresaw that Jewish Christians would live and work in a Jewish state. Will witness the historic restoration of animal sacrifices and their abrupt termination by an evil force Europe soon followed by the "abomination of desolation" that triggers World War III (Matt. 24:15-16; Dan 12:11).

Meanwhile, the Church of God (or select individuals if the Church continues to shirk its responsibility) is to announce the cities of Judah that the Messiah is about to appear! We offer hope and comfort with courage Judas real peace is coming and prepare for it (Isaiah 40:1-3). We are to help prepare Israel for the shock of a glorified Christ revealed to the last (vs. 5) and causes them to provide an audience with a divine king whose ROYAL RADIANCE lights all nations!

We need to find Yashua (Jesus) as the "Son of Man" from Heaven thumbnail Daniel (Dan. 7:13-14), and stress that Zechariah gave an "eyewitness" of that divine Saviour descends from heaven to reign as Lord from Jerusalem over all the earth (Zechariah 14:3-4, 9, 16).

Remember this is not a small task, and is quite controversial, since the Jews are still waiting for a human leader to save them from all their troubles!

The Two Witnesses will be the most influential in reaching the cities of Judah from Jerusalem (Isaiah 40:9, 52:7-8), effectively knowing their mindset and culture (unlike so many others), but the Church of God should still do what we can now.

These Scriptures clearly prove exciting (no assumptions) that with God nothing is impossible: the Jews would again live in an independent Israel, resurrected from the dust of history just before the coming of Christ, with Jerusalem as its capital, complete with a fighting force effective, having been restored to their ancient city with energy and transforming the land from barren desert to productive sectors - all with the blessing of God! (Ezekiel 37:1-14). These Scriptures glorify God as faithful and we praise that his word is good and true! Amen.

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