Friday, August 24, 2012

How to forgive someone

When You Really Do not Want To

We've all heard the saying, "You must forgive, but do not forget." I will not refute, but we have to agree that a lot of people use that excuse to never 'really' forgive at all. Are you one of those people?

Let's rephrase a bit '. "... You must forgive and not forget the anger, pain, anxiety, and all that comes with someone to sin against you. But you do not have to make yourself a target (though Jesus did). Sound a bit 'harder? This is really the Christian way of life, and it's going to be difficult. Nobody promised that it would be like.

We start with forgiveness. This is where you have more control, because it is an act of will. You have to decide to forgive, and then do it. Here is a brief list of what this entails:

No more daydreaming about pain and suffering your executioner.

Stop thinking the 'what if' results, and accept what has happened.

Begin to pray for the person. Not for their punishment, not for them to see the light ... pray for their good and their souls. Saying a simple Hail Mary, without meditating on what you are praying. Meditate on the words, and I dedicate it to your executioner. Let God decide how to reward or punish them.

If you can do something nice for the person, they do so without complaint and without reminding them of what they did wrong.

Stop gossiping about them.

Whenever you find yourself thinking about it, change the subject. Think of the starving children in China, your financial problems, the Child Jesus ... nothing.

Now that (believe it or not) is the easy part. Now it's time to face the anger and pain. Sometimes it's easy. But in case of serious violations, or when someone is hurt a loved one, the idea sounds stupid. And no, you're never completely let go, but you can try everything. And you can start with some of the techniques listed above.

You'll probably have to take it further. You have to swallow those emotions. Bury them deep. Yes, I'm going against what every therapist out there is preaching, but to talk and sulk is no way to overcome anything. Have you had your period of piety, it is time to move on. When you feel the flame of anger building inside you, strength to the back of your mind and let the waste die.Don t 'another second of your life stew. It will take practice, but every day is another chance.

Finally, there is the last part. This is where most of us have problems. This is also where we must weigh our obligations, and choose the most important thing. Here are some questions to help you resolve:

This means that someone under your protection? I'm talking especially to parents. Our children obviously come first, and that we have an obligation to put them in danger.

This leads to a sexual violation? There is no need to go to this. If someone is not treating your body like a temple of Christ, then stay away from them.

What does damage? The big question here is, 'How'? A boy at school not to offer himself to the bully wedgie, but a pop in the arm is usually more a matter of humiliation to injury. If the body is damaged by someone, you have the right to stop them ... but again, Christ did not. Furthermore, assume that the person is likely to get hurt again. If you have an event once, you should let go. On a side note: domestic violence is repeated several victims, especially children. And the track record to show that very few offenders 'strike once.' If you're trying to figure out whether or not to leave such a situation, thinking stoop to exit.

What does personal property? Who is owned? If you are raising a family, we can not risk it all and ignore their needs. But ask yourself if the amount stolen or damaged is worth the hassle of not trusting someone new.

This means your good name? Hunker down and forget about it. The truth will set you free. Lies hurt the liar more than anyone else. If this is the truth, then just be more careful about what you say ... but do not hold anything against his will.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Are you discouraged?

Are you discouraged? Feeling down and out? Wondering why you should not even try to live the Christian life more, especially because I feel such a failure? Who has not felt useless at times? Who has not grown impatient with themselves and felt bad for their lack of spiritual progress? (Lk 8:15). You're Not Alone! We all go into the valleys of the shadow of death. But take courage, must lead the way again soon! "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me hope in God? Why am I still praise Him, who is the health of my countenance and my God" (Ps. 42:11).

Who I encourage you to stop? Christ would want you to give up? One who died for you? God would pressure you to surrender? Too many have never realized what a wild beast and the enemy we face! Even those who have not refused the devil as a superstition, did not realize how dangerous it really is to our health and wellbeing. God picks up the pieces of lives that have been savagely ripped and torn to pieces and left for dead by sin (Isaiah 49:24-25, Amos 3:12).

Satan foaming at the mouth against our incredible human potential and wants us out as a sniper - one at a time. He hates all men with a jealous rage (because we created after Godkind), but it is mainly targeted the brethren (1 Pet. 5:8-11). The Devil can take some things that are true about you and twist them, taking them out of context, and suddenly all out of proportion to destroy your will to survive! He never stops bad mouthing us because he is a liar and murderer murderess CHARACTER! (John 8:44, Rev. 12:10) But do not let the powers of darkness overcome your will to live in the light! Do not accept depressed mind of Satan! Do not fall prey to his desperate attitude of defeat! He has no right to condemn (Romans 8:1,33).

King David would be discouraged, but she had her prayers end on a positive note, showing the effect of healing of the Spirit of God on our minds while we are engaged in Prayer of the heart. "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait for the Lord. Be of good cheer, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say to the Lord" (Ps. 27: 13-14). David believed in the goodness of God, hope in his mercy, and waited for his sufficient grace - the grace to forgive or increase (2 Cor 12.9) ..

God will give us the grace to bear many burdens in life (Hebrews 4:16). His Holy Spirit enables us to be nice - full of grace - even in adverse circumstances. We live and learn through a variety of situations to be kind in word and deed, attitude and action. David knew beyond any shadow of doubt that: "The Lord will give strength to his people: the Lord will bless his people with the strength" (Psalm 29:11). So "be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord" (Psalm 31:24).

Even if you got taken away, your sins have brought you away from God and Satan holds you captive (2 Timothy 2:26; .. Cor 5:5), remember God and remember Him! Not that I've never forgotten.? "Zion said, The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me Can a woman forget her child, so she should not have compassion on the child she bore Yes, they can. Forget, but do not forget" Here , I have engraved on the palms of my hands, your walls are continually before me "(Isaiah 49:14-16). God's love for us goes beyond our love for him. He demonstrated that, when Jesus 'palms had stakes driven through them (Zechariah 13:06).

Some have been foolishly deceived by sin and have become carelessly caught it again - trapped in a danger zone - but do not give up until they can exceed what is currently on top! (Hebrews 3:13, 2 Peter 2:20) .. It 'only those who have completely turned their backs on God, who refuse to go back up when knocked down in the ring, he'll lose the victory.

"Yet for all this (in spite of ourselves), when they are in the land of their enemies, not throw them away, nor do I abhor them, to destroy them completely, and break my covenant with them: for I am the Lord their God" ( Lev. 26:44). God promises to liberate, regather and recovery. It will free us from those sins that have cruelly taking our time and attention, regather our spiritual senses (as the psychological warfare of Satan had left us a case desperate and spread a brain [Lk 22:31-32; Dt 28.:. 66-67]), and restore us to sanity and a right relationship with him (to which we belong), but "If one of your being returned to the outer part of the sky, beyond the Lord your God will gather you and from there he'll take you "(Deut. 30:3-4). No matter how far I strayed, God has not lost sight of you. "Where can I go from your Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from your presence? "(Psalm 139:7).

If you start to cry out to God for help, even if it's a lament, because you're so weak, he can see and listen and respond. "The Lord is near to those whose hearts are broken, and be saved as a contrite spirit ... one of those who trust in Him shall be desolate" (Psalm 34:18,22). "I will not contend forever, nor will I be always wroth: for the spirit should fail before me, and the souls that I did ... I have seen his ways and will heal him: I will take him also, and restore comforts unto him and his mourning "(Isaiah 57:15-18).

God sees that effort we got in and where our relapse into sin is dangerously misguided and stranded us, bringing us almost to the point of no return, but nothing can separate us from God unless you leave! (Romans 8:35-39). As long as there is a spark of God's Spirit, God can renew our minds and transform our lives! (Psalm 51:10). God will finish what we started in our lives (Philippians 1:6, Isaiah 66:9) .. Never forget that we worship a MIRACLE-WORKING GOD!

Remember the prodigal son was still far from his father, their estranged relationship, but when he "came to himself" and went home - even when he was still a long way - "his father saw him and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck and kissed him "(Luke 15:17, 20). God only knows where you are and what direction you're headed in your heart and mind, even if your actions have not reached yet with your attitude! God knows that they, over time. "He remembers our frame [make-up], he recalls, but we are dust" (Ps.103: 14). God wants to encourage us to change, not even trying to discourage us (2 Cor. 2:7).

Constructive criticism, not destructive. Judgement with mercy. God helps, but Satan hinders progress, but we win CONTINUING, one step at a time (Ts 2:18;. 2 Peter 3:18) .. God gave David the kingdom, but had to fight for it! So do we! (Matthew 11:12, I Tim 6:12.). Otherwise we take it for granted. Keep up the fight (Luke 13:24). All the things you believe are worth fighting for. The growth comes in stages. We must let our patience with their course studies and create the character of God in us (Hebrews 12:11;. Jas 1.4).

Satan wants to turn off your light (I Tim. 4:16). God hates the embers of the sacred Spirit, light and truth we maintain and are, as a royal priesthood (I Pet 2:9;. Jn 17:17;. Ex 27:20) .. God does not kick us when we're down and out, but encourages us to get up and get over it and move on with his work! (Ps. 37:24; Philip 3:13.). When your faith and your confidence is shaken Shakey, Christ will not turn off, but adding more oil so that it can rise and shine! (Isaiah 42:3). "God has directed us to suffer wrath but to obtain salvation ... Therefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as you also" (I Thess. 5:9-11).

"For God commends his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us ... For if, when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more be reconciled, we shall be saved by his life ... when we received our reconciliation "(Rom 8-11). If God can express this love for us when we were not even trying to lead a Christian life pleasing to Him, especially now that we're trying - however imperfect? Because we do not suffer hunger and thirst for justice?

Brothers enjoy your suffering HOLY! It is developing a purpose in your life that will last for all eternity! growing pains hurt.

We must love God, especially when it spots his mercy and patience toward us. His goodness should stir us want to get closer to Him and do everything possible to show how much we appreciate his tender love (Rom 2:4; Lk 7:47) .. Nothing should come between our relationship with God our Creator! If God would save our ancestors time and again, when they shouted to him, as he saves us from the Lake of Fire? (Jude 23, 24). God can save us from sinful situations and the restoration of his priesthood promised us (Zech. 3). We can be "a brand plucked from the fire, saved by the" furnace of affliction "(Isaiah 48:10). God can forcibly remind us the hard way that He is what we really want to, made his kingdom and righteousness, not the superficial things that could not fill the emptiness of life (Psalm 106:15, 107:9).

We must bear in mind the higher meaning and purpose in life: God to develop holy, righteous character in joyful expectation of God's kingdom. This will help us to face all challenges that life offers us in this process of purification that we call conversion. We must remember: "There has no temptation taken you but such as is common [not uncommon] to man: but God is faithful and not let you be tempted beyond the tolerance level, but any temptation to provide a way ' output, so you can handle "(I Cor. 10:13 paraphrased).

And realize "... that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom 8:18) because Christ will return soon and every practicing Christian will be made perfect! Then we help our Savior in preparing the way for our arrival Father impressive with the new Jerusalem! (Rev. 21:3).

The Kingdom of God is closer every day, so we should hold their heads up and not be discouraged, but allow ourselves to be encouraged to continue (Isaiah 35:3, Luke 21:28) .. All trip, but do not swim (Ps. 37:24). Let your attitude is: "I will not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord The Lord has chastened me sore: but he has not given me over to death." (Psalm 118:17-18). Alleluia!

God's forgiveness and cleansing of Christ remain in force (Isaiah 18). God knows what we've been through and lived with us in the middle of it, wearing the crown of thorns (Isa. 63:9; January 22:13;. Ex. 3:2). God could not get much closer (Jer 23:23). The bottom line is: hope and despair, faith and not fear! After all, "... it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A homeland for the Jews

God condemned the Jews to wander until Messiah, but blessed every other tribe of Israel, a national treasure? Does it make sense? God is just? Israel is so holier than Judah? Or it could be, as Herbert Armstrong taught in the United States and Britain in Prophecy, that Israel's punishment was to last for 2,520 years (Lev. 26:21),?

After that time, around 1800, because of Abraham's obedience, God decreed that He will grant his blessing. Which has 2,520 years of punishment apply only to the Northern Kingdom of Israel? God has a double standard? After removing the Kingdom of God of Judah was not his responsibility to restore it on time?

Perhaps the Anglo-Saxon and European peoples take these prophecies into their own hands? They managed to create their countries without a warrant divine signs and miracles, or prophetic leadership?

For those who have eyes to see, the countries stems from the biblical divine mandate since only God determines the rise and fall of nations! Many of our founding fathers were inspired of God, against their will, to fulfill our manifest destiny. overall plan of God is greater than any single man.

God raised up Theodore Herzl to inspire the Jewish people with the Biblical idea of having a Jewish state again. He has written and spoken extensively, planting the seed of holy imagination in Judah's mind.

Later, during the British Mandate, the British began to look "favorably" to the establishment of an independent Jewish homeland, watering the seeds of a saint. The Balfour Declaration was part of a divine mandate to restore Judah to "Palestine" (a satanic word the Romans in an attempt to erase the bad name of our father Israel off the map - Ps. 83:4).

God utilized political Zionism for its own purposes, as it used the American rebellion against the English throne. On the surface, were not so special or righteous, but both have helped to fulfill the prophecy.

Regarding the treatment of the former inhabitants of the land that God has decreed for his people, whether Arabs or Indians, I am sure that the Canaanites would offer condemned fierce but others would see God's purpose being worked out, however imperfectly the limited human vision. God turns any injustice in its own way and time (2 Sam. 21:1-14), but rejects accusations that exaggerate or exploit them to deny our fundamental right to the lands of the Bible who chose for us (Acts 17: 26).

As the Greeks are representative of all nations, to which Jews are representative of all Israel. E 'in Israel, particularly Jews, whom God has committed the "oracles of God" (Rom 3:2). The oracles of God includes Patti DIVINE AND PROMISES (Rom. 9:4-5). Jews hold, in trust, the act biblical land / alliance in the Holy Land for all the twelve tribes!

God made a COVENANT with LAND-Israel (Genesis 00:07, 13:15, 15:18, 17:08, 26:3, 28:13, 35:12). Not once did promise the Holy Land for the "Palestinians" (Philistines), so Bible-believers must reject their illegitimate demands! Those who try to justify foreign occupation of our country or the terrible treatment of our people because of our sins are condemning themselves to God! (Isaiah 47:6, Jer. 50:7, Zech. 1.15).

There are many scriptures that speak of an amount REPRESENTATIVE OF Jews living in Israel before Christ comes. Shamefully, the ministers of God and therefore the Church, were often in front of what God is doing in Israel today. We managed to see the wonders God has wrought, the types of things that herald the biggest to come!

We have ignored the biblical principle of duality and have nit picked the prophecies demanding all or nothing! With this limited vision would never have argued with Peter on the day of Pentecost / Shavuot about Joel's prophecy fulfilled! However, it certainly was - in part! (Acts 2.16 to 21).

Consider the following:

God has promised to "save Zion and build the cities of Judah" (Ps. 69:35). Has faithfully done that by rewarding the efforts Jewish (Annuit Coeptus) and respecting their blood, sweat and tears! (Isa. 61:4, Ps. 102:13-14). God used the Jews to make the desert bloom like a rose and protected during this conversion process, as required by Moses (Deut. 33:7).

I praise God for having blessed me to have lived in eight kibbutzim (collective-farms) throughout Israel that have helped to make these prophecies pioneer!

God clearly prophesied through Zechariah chapters 12-14 that the Jews would again be living in their ancient capital of Jerusalem, with their rulers and that the "United Nations" will oppose and ultimately be defeated. Zechariah also shows the long-awaited recognition of Jesus by the Jews as God's Son and Judah's firstborn, and sincere repentance of the political (House of David) and religious (House of Levi) establishment. In fact, Jesus said that the Jews in Jerusalem have not wanted to see again until they had this necessary change of heart (Matt. 23:39).

Zechariah also reveals that the Jews would again be a formidable military power in the Middle East with God working in and through and for them. Many Israelis know that God is their true general and many miracles on their behalf. I heard Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, recount his miraculous experience of divine protection on the Golan Heights many times.

And 'important to note that God inspired the holy prophets to write about flesh and blood real Jews who live in Israel - not Jewish imposters!

Why? Because those who suffer from disease of anti-Semitism are out to spread doubt and confusion about the Jewish identity of Israel! They publish slanderous hate literature attempting to poison their minds against the Jews by promoting quack racial theories and Nazi propaganda.

It's nothing less than Satan's desperate efforts to deny that God has the power to prophesy! Bible believers to reject their bitter lies knowing God's Word is true!

Zechariah also agrees with the New Testament prophecies that reveal Jerusalem as a thriving Jewish city that will suffer under a harsh occupation Dear just before the Messiah arrives in time (Revelation 11:02, Zech. 14:2).

Christ liberate Jerusalem as its headquarters and secure! Jerusalem, the site of David's Throne, will be the seat of government of God! Jesus as the prophet Daniel, foresaw that Jewish Christians would live and work in a Jewish state. Will witness the historic restoration of animal sacrifices and their abrupt termination by an evil force Europe soon followed by the "abomination of desolation" that triggers World War III (Matt. 24:15-16; Dan 12:11).

Meanwhile, the Church of God (or select individuals if the Church continues to shirk its responsibility) is to announce the cities of Judah that the Messiah is about to appear! We offer hope and comfort with courage Judas real peace is coming and prepare for it (Isaiah 40:1-3). We are to help prepare Israel for the shock of a glorified Christ revealed to the last (vs. 5) and causes them to provide an audience with a divine king whose ROYAL RADIANCE lights all nations!

We need to find Yashua (Jesus) as the "Son of Man" from Heaven thumbnail Daniel (Dan. 7:13-14), and stress that Zechariah gave an "eyewitness" of that divine Saviour descends from heaven to reign as Lord from Jerusalem over all the earth (Zechariah 14:3-4, 9, 16).

Remember this is not a small task, and is quite controversial, since the Jews are still waiting for a human leader to save them from all their troubles!

The Two Witnesses will be the most influential in reaching the cities of Judah from Jerusalem (Isaiah 40:9, 52:7-8), effectively knowing their mindset and culture (unlike so many others), but the Church of God should still do what we can now.

These Scriptures clearly prove exciting (no assumptions) that with God nothing is impossible: the Jews would again live in an independent Israel, resurrected from the dust of history just before the coming of Christ, with Jerusalem as its capital, complete with a fighting force effective, having been restored to their ancient city with energy and transforming the land from barren desert to productive sectors - all with the blessing of God! (Ezekiel 37:1-14). These Scriptures glorify God as faithful and we praise that his word is good and true! Amen.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Onward Christian Soldiers!

Because ancient Israel has an army? Perhaps because they had faith? Perhaps they believe in themselves instead of trusting in God? They insist on fighting their battles, rather than letting the war on God for them?

Why fight for God's Israel in Egypt? They exercise faith, then? Have somehow lost their trust in the desert, after seeing God's mighty miracles? Does it make sense? They had heard what God was doing in Egypt from the beginning, and saw with their own eyes what God has done in 10 consecutive wounds. After defeating the only superpower in the world, God had spent his energy?

God took the gods of Egypt alone. Israel did not want to participate because their release be misinterpreted as a successful slave revolt. He took a people become a slave to his slave-Nation. Israel had only changed masters.

When God brought Israel out of Egypt by Moses, He said to Moses specifically to circumvent the points in which Israel would meet hostile forces, why not opt for the "safety" of Egypt (Exodus 13:17). They went out of their way to avoid war! It does not sound as if they were willing to give battle when you read accounts of their griping and complaining to Moses (Exodus 14:10-12).

Moses, full of faith, encouraged the faithful to believe God for the first time that Israel was engaged in battle under the command of Moses'! He instructed Joshua (even believers) to assemble a force to fight and defeat the annoying Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16).

God had fought the first shots against the enemies of Israel, showing Israel would destroy their enemies. Now, God would fight in and through and for Israel! Moses' hands raised in blessing and military authorities assured the success of Israel. It was obvious to all, where their true strength came from (Ps. 33:16). Israel is only an instrument to fight in God's hands (Isaiah 41:15, Micah 4:13).

Many people understand the commandment not to kill should be translated "murder." God commands his ministers of state to judge and use the death penalty for various crimes (Romans 13:4). We were told to remember the Law of Moses' and obey it (Malachi 4:4). God authorized the state to act within the guidelines of his Law Book.

Israel was eager to enter Canaan - they were afraid! Moses admitted they were outnumbered and outgunned by the Canaanites, but reassured Israel that God was with them and grant them victory supernatural (Deut. 7:1-2, 16-24). When the spies brought their relationship to men of Canaan and Moses could want to run with their tails tucked between their legs (Numbers 13:31). Only Joshua and Caleb put things in perspective and encouraged people to trust in God (Numbers 14:9). Israel had no confidence in their abilities or God!

What many fail to realize is ancient Israel had no intention of entering the Promised Land by faith alone, but would require faith and works! God did not intend to do all the work for them. Israel has actively claim their inheritance. We do not have too?

Israel had no faith that God can work miracles through them! They knew that God could take on their enemies, but they doubted he could work through them. They focused on their weaknesses rather than on the strength of God God expected Israel to fight its battles and would ensure their success. Israel took the city at a time, slowly but surely making progress, subdue the earth and defeat their enemies, and yet give God all the credit - as our conversion process (Psalm 44:1-8).

Even David, a man after God's heart, he fought many battles for God and his people, but as God Victor. David would ask God if he should attack this time or place, and what to do, when and how, and God answered him (1 Chron. 14:10).

He Abraham, the father of the faithful, sin waging war against people who had kidnapped his family (Gen. 14)? Melchizedek blessed him, do not blame! Levi and children, following the call of Moses' arms (under the command of God), has passed through Israel's camp and slaughtered those who had sinned with the golden calf (Exodus 32:28). Perhaps they lack faith? No! They have acted faithfully! They put God before family and friends. Could not God have just sent a plague? Yes, but he worked with men.

Since God works through men, why not let Peter to defend Jesus? 1) Why the prophecy would be fulfilled and 2) because the Kingdom of God has not yet been established - otherwise Jesus told His servants must fight! This example teaches us that loyal citizens should be willing to fight and defend their king and country!

We currently have a "dual citizenship". Paul did not deny that he was a citizen of Rome or reluctant to exercise his civil rights (Acts 16:37, 22:25, 25:11). He did not just turn the other cheek when he was about to be flogged! There is a time and a place to wage war or declare peace (Ecc 3:8), to persecution and death, or run for your life (Matthew 00:16, John 8:59 !)

Spiritually speaking, we should all understand that we are only mortals, take temporary residence on earth, and be aware of eternity and live accordingly, waiting for our eternal inheritance in the Kingdom of God (2 Cor. 5:1 , Sal. 39: 12, 2 Pet. 3:11).

But what about "spiritual fornication?" If we exercise our right to vote and make policy, that is defiling ourselves with the system of this world? Only if and when it contradicts the commandments of God We should never disobey God to follow men (Acts 5:29). We are in this world and take an active part in its system of government and education every time we go to work and pay taxes or send our children to school or college! We're just to avoid those aspects of the system of this world who are biblically wrong (1 Jn. 2:16).

Joseph served in the administration of the pharaoh. It was spiritually contaminated? Daniel was in the belly of the beast - Babylon - yet he served the king and God Every time there arose a conflict of interest, Daniel put God first, as we always do. Nehemiah worked in the Persian government, but he was innocent before God in God even Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus as his servants.

God is our Heavenly King over all, that is why we can not let others groped to usurp his authority over our lives. It is our husband and to hear anyone else would have dared to go against His Word is spiritual adultery and fornication. This is one of the greatest sins of modern Israel: giving in to pressure from international colleagues, rather than obey God!

But God is not our only sovereign. He ordered that men should not be left in a state of anarchy, but must obey the laws Noachide binding on all humanity: to establish a justice system, to refrain from idolatry and immorality, and abstain from eating blood (Acts 15: 29).

Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords, will not be ruling alone. God is our minister, and Jesus Christ our High Priest, but not consent to the ministers also human. We have a double standard when it comes to politics? A "dirty politics." And there is too much corruption and bribery. But what about religious scandals? Perverted adulterous preachers and ministers? It means that we must reject the idea of God having human servants? "Dirty religion?" Both church and state must clean up their act into Christ (Malachi 3:3).

God forbid Israel to have a king or a priest. He simply put restrictions on them and offered guidelines. The king was to be Jew, was not to put his trust in financial stocks or gold, or related to a huge arsenal of military weapons or defense of Israel, and he was to study the scriptures each day (Deut. 18 : 15 - 20). It 'been allowed a symbolic military force made up of volunteers (Judges 07:02, Deut. 20:5-9). The priest was to bless the Israeli troops before going into battle, to encourage them that God would fight through them, and raise the alarm with the trumpet silver holy (Deut. 20:1-4, Nu. 10 : 09, 31:6).

God was angry with Israel, when asked for a king, but not because they wanted a king - He had a check for that through Moses - but because they were rejecting God as Supreme Ruler (1 Sam. 8:20). They wanted to walk by sight, not by faith, too confident in leading human (Ps. 118:9).

The king had to lead the way (Psalm 1:10-11). Should follow in the footsteps of King David who promulgated the Law of Moses (1 Kg 2:3). Israel was only to follow the men who followed God's prophet Samuel warned them of greedy rulers, excessive taxes, and corrupt government, but have not yet decided to go ahead with their elections. Not that the religious world was at fault (1 Sam. 8:3). And God reveals that the best man should win all the time (Dan 4:17). But if we pray for God to lead us in deciding who to vote for or against, it is his responsibility to let us know what to do. Of course we should study the party platforms and see which is more closely aligned with biblical principles. E 'futile to think that our vote could hinder the will of God! He'll promote and those who want to downgrade (Ps 75:7).

Ancient Israel was both church and state, a theocracy. God recognizes the two branches of government and encourages us to do the same (Malachi 4:4-5). The two positions in Israel were anointed as a priest and king (Zechariah 4:14). The oil was representative of God's Holy Spirit, that Israel has asked to guide and direct their leaders.

We have seen how God has allowed the leaders to take away human life (Lev. 20). I am free to take the place of a police force (to protect and defend the community), and the use of armed forces to defend their country and family.

God holds the leader responsible for not having become greedy or bloodthirsty. We are not to enjoy the war, but use it as a last resort (Deut. 20:10-12). We only fight wars of self-defense and not throw our weight around (Lk 3:14). We hate the sins of our enemies and learn to love them, knowing that you are also made in God's image is and hopefully will come to their senses one day, we will not be trigger-happy or gloat over our enemies fall '(Proverbs 24:17).

God is using Israel to punish various nations during their journey back to the Middle East (Isaiah 11:14). And God will fight through the Jews in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:14). Christ's coming back to earth for the war before he gives us peace!

God is not speaking only to Israel. Determined the result of various wars and battles leaving a group of pagans beat another (Deuteronomy 2:19-23). Moses also said it would be a pity if the various tribes of Israel did not rally any other defense (Nu. 32:20-23). It is a terrible sin to go to war if the servants of God instruct otherwise (Deuteronomy 1:42-45).

It's all a matter of faith and obedience. We are going to realize God is our true Commander in Chief and Captain of our salvation, and follow the guidance of his Holy Spirit (Josh 5:13-15, Heb. 2:10). But do not forget that God can and does through men inspired (Neh. 9:27).

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sing, Let Joy Resound: A Case For Exclusive Psalmody

Ephesians 4:4-6 indicates that Christians should practice a faith only. It reads: "One body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all for all, and all of you. "

The notion of apostolic faith uniform clearly NOT imagine the rich buffet of different practices of worship - by the faithful for the absurd and Goofy - that points the religious landscape today in the name of Christianity. The apostles did not provide different models worship in various churches have established, as is evident from the type declaration: "If someone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice - nor the churches of God" (1 Cor. 11 : 16). Likewise, God told Moses: "See that you do all the model is shown on the mountain." Yes, after correcting many deviations from the model-given by God, the apostle Paul told the Corinthians "The rest I put in order when I come "(1 Cor. 11:34).

Furthermore, those who care to examine the issue find that the phrase "set to" is a technical term liturgical found three times at the end of Exodus as a summary for the refrain, "just as the Lord commanded Moses, so be done. "Exodus uses the phrase" together to "specially those symbols clearly regard the Church - the table of showbread (representing the Lord's Supper), the candelabra and candlesticks (representing the same churches in Revelation 1 - 3) and the altar (representing the prayers and praises of the saints in the New Testament).

This order does not refer to "order in general" sits order as opposed to chaotic worship, as many have erroneously supposed. Rather, he has in mind the clergy assigned to care for the worship of God to see that we proceed exactly as God has commanded, without deviation or exception. In the New Testament, this means that the priestly order of Melchizedek. Hence the saying of Paul: "Follow me as I follow Christ." The context tells us here that Paul was making a liturgical point, which means "Following the apostolic model that we delivered to you the teachings of Christ." The apostolic duty requires Paul to perform the liturgy of the Church as Christ - the head of the Church as a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek - dictated by his words and actions.

The question now heated only tracks that Christians can sing properly in their worship services often bears the title, "exclusive psalmody debate. Those who favor the exclusive singing of the biblical book of Psalms - which group should include this author - have a large number of people up in arms about the "severity" of this. And so the debate rages. We believe, and they wish to support the point that the relevant passages from Ephesians 5 and Colossians in particular 3 (below) are at the heart of the debate. Here, those who want to sing all types of artificial songs stagger and fall. And here the rules of the Bible their position, as we now proceed to demonstrate.

Ephesians 5:18-20 says: "Do not get drunk with wine, which is in excess, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord: Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ... "

Colossians 3:15-17 (King James Version) reads: "And the peace of God in your hearts, to which you were called in one body, and be thankful. The word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. "

Now we focus our attention to step Colossian, asking just what are these "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs"? EP supporters as we believe this is a reference to Psalms of the Bible three times, with three titles in their most common version of the Old Testament most often quoted by the apostles. If you open the book of Psalms, and read the quote just above them (which introduce each Psalm), you'll notice that often read like this: "A Psalm of David, a hymn," or "A Psalm of David, a song .

So, just as Jesus triads commonly used to refer to one thing only - as when "ask ... ask ... knock" refers to prayer, so Paul used "psalms, hymns and songs" to refer to those songs his audience knew those titles from the Septuagint. But some say this not as likely but unproven hypothesis. Let us proceed onwards to the test.

In assessing the significance of each step one, those who immediately surround priority in helping our understanding. As they say, "the local context is king." And, interestingly, the book of Colossians produces a parallel shift to local triadic concerned only two previous chapters. Our attention now turns to this text.

Colossians 1.27-28 "in which God would know what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: whom we preach, warning every man, every man and teaching with all wisdom, that may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus ...." This text highlights some similarities with Stark Colossians 3:15-17, just two chapters. First, we learn that "the riches of glory" is "Christ in you, the hope of glory" - that is a mystery among the Gentiles.

Paul was revealing this mystery - the salvation of the Gentiles - that Christ might live in them, bringing them hope that they too would be raised in the glory of the resurrection. Paul calls this "Christ's] residence [in you, the hope of glory [future]." Paul thus refers to the gospel of Christ (the mystery of preaching), as "preaching", then the activity is divided into two participles connected by "and" - "teaching and warning."

So "teaching and warning" means "preach the Gospel of Christ" in chapter 1. Now when we come to Chapter 3, we find the exact same pair.

The sentence in question reads from Chapter 3: "The word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." Now most of the versions of Bible translators have unfortunately lost this parallel. But "teaching and warning" in the first chapter shows the exact word pair in greek, like that found in Chapter 3, "didaskountai kai nethetountai. [Say "I asked oon KYE Thet Tye tye oon neh"]

This means both "teaching and warning" or "teaching and admonishing." But if you choose, it should appear identical in both Chapter 1 and Chapter 3, as in Koine Greek. So here is an obvious parallel:

[CH 1.] "Preach Christ" [Christ who dwells in you] = teaching [view all] man with all wisdom [CH 3] "The word of Christ dwell in you" = teaching and warning [between them] in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.

Thus, the phrase "all wisdom" in the first chapter matches the triple "in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs" found in chapter 3. Now, this wisdom is the wisdom of the Gospel - the word of Christ. The text says so plainly. Moreover, Chapter 2 (v. 3) begins by saying that "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in him [Christ]."

The parallel is unmistakable. Paul urged the Colossians to sing the divine wisdom, the Word of Christ, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. " This may refer to something else, but the canonical psalter, using the titles above the psalms that appear in the Septuagint, the version most commonly used for the Old Testament used among Christian communities and between Jews of the diaspora. Now, some further points remain. If one denies the parallel above, then Paul has referred to three things rather than just one.

It thus remains an obligation for the naysayer to show exactly what the three are as different from each other, and how each can be named by the apostle "the word of Christ." To my knowledge no one has even attempted this. It is not enough to say "these three are not exclusive supporters chanting what to say." It must also demonstrate exegetically precisely what Paul meant by these three terms, if not the canonical psalms. Remember, whatever that is, all Christians have a command of God to sing them. So we know what they mean.

Next, you should note that when the apostles to preach the Gospel, the word of Christ throughout the book of Acts, which most often quoted from the book of Psalms when they quote the Bible. By their actions, have virtually on a par two. This shows that the parallel that I pulled from the text of Colossians 1 and 3 - between the preaching of Christ and singing the psalms (the word of Christ) - is the original mind of Paul. Finally, note that the parallel links of Ephesus Colossians 3 sing psalms with "being filled with the Spirit." This link has a much better way to understand the triad to refer to the Psalms, since God is identified with His written Word throughout the Bible.

Thus, since the Spirit of God inspired the Word of God written, to be filled with (or to dwell in you richly), the word of Christ (Psalms) is also to be filled with the Spirit that inspired the word. The idea that somehow the songs names anthropogenic triad this leaves us with the unanswered question: "How can it be filled with words of simple men" in any way lead to be "deeply spiritual"? This seems like an oxymoron, especially considering the teaching of the Bible about what comes from the heart of men (depravity).

What then? When Christians gather, you should avoid singing something other than what God has given us. Only what God makes is good enough for God, Christians must offer only the best. Sing praise, let joy resound. For those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Friday, July 27, 2012

God's Church must warn the world!

The Church of God was asked to get the word throughout the world and make disciples (students) within every nation, teaching them to follow Yashua'S (Jesus') teachings. What Yashua teach? Yashua boldly proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom of God, Family of God, Immortal Beings soon reign over all the earth. He also taught his students how to live a life thanks and congratulations to the Gospel of the Kingdom. We are going to become more devout, more like Christ, more Kingdom-like, every day, in anticipation of its Dawn.

But he also warned Yashua TURBULENT TIMES to occur shortly before its landing on the Mount of Olives to liberate Jerusalem and secure the throne of David (leading to the liberation of Israel).

We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days". Therefore their sealed messages were not to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we lived for the first time in history, with weapons of mass destruction can wipe all life off the planet Earth! (Matthew 24:21-22).

The early Church preached the Gospel, but in the context of addressing problems and concerns of their time and place. For example, stressed the need Yashua death and resurrection. The biblical approach is to offer "meat in due course," tailored messages. tailored for the times, "becoming all things to all men", with events taking place as a prop and a podium. They preached Christ and him crucified, and not do with the prophecy about Yashua imminent fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple . Why, because it does not interfere with daily life and national affairs of their audience Gentile.

However, today the European Beast is taking shape and form before us, while the American, British and Jewish peoples continue their dive into oblivion. Both of these intertwined events were clearly prophesied (Lev. 26, Deut. 28). And it is only God has given us an understanding of Bible prophecy that we can see where these trends are rapidly heading. Both Daniel and the Book of Revelation reveal a Gentile confederation of nations to emerge on the world stage just before the Messiah, the chaos on destroying Israel and opposing the heavenly hosts (Dan.7 Rev. 13, 17).

These titles will be predicted directly affecting the lives of every member of the Church of God and the Israelite nations! We live in time predicted an explosion of knowledge, mass transit and rapid communication, and truly become a global village (Dan. 12:4). Therefore these "geopolitical" prophecies are more personal and relevant!

It was necessary for God to first identify Israel today (the lost 10 tribes), so the Church can deliver its message to them, preserved by the prophets of our time. We are to warn the sinful Israelite nations that the Holocaust was just a preview of what is to come! Several groups and organizations (for better or worse) helped to restore the identity of Israel. But Herbert W. Armstrong was the most influential, inspired by his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy, as God ordained (Isa. 49:6). How else can we go with the Gospel to "the lost sheep of Israel" unless God directed us? How could we warn about the impending "time of Jacob's trouble" unless God has sent us?

Many ministries professing Christians today are still lost in their little religious world (Ezekiel 34:4-5). Still do not know or care that Israel is our identity or decline (again expressing interest in our Jewish brothers and sisters), but God expects its pastors to remind Israel of our biblical roots and responsibilities and how regather " One nation under God, "a veritable" United Kingdom "(Ezek.37: 22). It seems they're happy believing that they are nice (with their false Christianity / religion Gentile) and do not want to go Bibilical ways and days, preferring their perverted traditions scatter-brain (Hosea 1:9).

As highlighted in my book promptly, and Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, "Christ referred to the Third World War, as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22). He gave an outline of events Occur prophetic just prior to His second coming. Although we can not know the exact time or date, we can know when it is very near! "

Yashua taught that the final time was very similar to the time of Noah and how it was in Sodom and Gomorrah. Noah does not know what was going to happen? Lot was not warned about the impending destruction? YES! Previous Bible proves that God's people will not be left without a clue! (Amos 3:7).

Church of God, his incited out (written by delightfully different and wonderfully weird, living "ahead of our time") are called the Sons of Light (I Pet. 04:04, I Thess. 5:1-6) . Were not left in the dark, in stark contrast to those around us who know the latest report of time, but missed the meaning of the times! Too many remain unaware that a storm is brewing EUROPEAN! (Matthew 16:2-3). Many do not realize until HITS HOME and are devastated!

There is precious little time to help the alarm and let the sirens go off! We should serve God early warning system (Jer. 44:4). From the Watchtower of Faith we can see what's on the horizon and pick up on our spiritual radar screen the clear and present danger in Europe presents! We know what will happen, based on biblical facts, and declare with confidence (Rom. 4:17).

If we do not help warn the world, giving everyone a chance to escape, we are not responsible for their deaths (Ezek. 3:18). Isaiah 42:19 warns servant of God, His Messenger and going blind going deaf, blind guardian rebukes Isaiah 56:10 and dumb watchdogs that bark and do not know how they sleep at work! Obviously God does not "take" them that way! This is so serious that God should warn about it, (and you have been warned at this time!), Apparently because many do not pass this part of our Christian texts, leaving our seats, and running like Jonah! These Christian-doves have swallowed in the belly of the beast! There is nothing new under the sun as Yashua closest friends fell asleep just before His trial and crucifixion, it seems Some will nod off just before the Our Church and nations are scourged!

An important part of the teachings of Yashua, the relevance to this generation, both signs of what is about to strike, in prayer so that everyone can see and seek shelter before it is too late! (Luke 21:36). But we have to share his survival course with others so they can know what to look for and how and we expect to receive the protection around the clock, trusting in him. We can help save lives and prepare people for what is ahead, if World War III or the Lake of Fire! (Jude 23).

The signs reveal that we are heading and what we're getting to that destination. We share our God-given light of understanding with the world that can be felt. This is our privilege and solemn responsibility. Nations or as individuals respond is not our responsibility, is between God and them.

warning of Ezekiel is the same Yashua and Paul: repent or face God's judgment Similarly, the message of Revelation is to repent of things such as murder, occult practices, immorality, idolatry, etc. and begin to obey the commandments of God and hang for dear life to the teachings of Jesus' (attitudes and actions, words and deeds). However, God has decreed that his latest warning to the world before the Storm breaks should be directed to his people Israel, now identified as prophesied, and that it should include exposing the European Beast as a satanic against the saints of God and government.

If God prefers that we glued a general message of salvation, rather than warn about a specific political-religious rising in Europe, then he would give no details as in the Bible Inspired! Those who think otherwise are in vain rejection, Prophets and Revelation as useless! They think they're so smart, but really are stupid! (Rom 1:22; Job 38:2). God knows what he's doing! Anyone can preach a generic message, but only the Children of Light can understand the fine print in the Word of God and reveal its secrets to men!

All the magicians in times of Joseph and Daniel put together could not provide the right answer to questions of their day, but those two witnesses gave the glory of God and the revealed truth that could only come from God! (Jan. 41, Dan 2:30). Likewise, God expects us to share his divine revelation (Isaiah 48:6). This deeper understanding and special relationship with God and His Word must be obvious to others as something truly unique (Dt 4.6 to 7; Jn. 15:15).

May the Church share the teachings of God Yashua complete, its full Gospel - personal and national - with the world. These valuable lessons for the Kingdom of God, faith and forgiveness, also warn about the frightening events that mark the end of this age and help usher in the Wonderful World Tomorrow.

We can accurately explain the spiritual meaning of bad news today (by the light of biblical prophecy), and emphasize the good news that we have a Savior from sin and a liberator of men!

Come Lord Jesus! Hosanna in the highest!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Christian cannibals?

Cannibalism - a lot of thought disgusting and sends a shiver down my spine! But closet-cannibals are everywhere!

You might be surprised to discover some of your best friends and acquaintances are guilty of this charge grotesque. You've probably practiced cannibalism too - more often than you would care to admit.

The Apostle Paul warned about Christian cannibalism: "But if you bite and devour one another, be careful not to be consumed by one another" (Gal 5:15). Are you still stewing over some disagreement? It is an interpersonal problem "eating alive?" If you are "tired" of being misunderstood? Have you ever been "chewed out?" Or maybe you wanted to "chew and spit him out?" What about "cutting remarks?" Would not you like to pull in some people and give them a piece of your mind? " Do not deserve to be "cut to size?" Who has not made sarcastic comments (in greek - sarkazein to tear the flesh)? We were all "in hot water!" I think you get the point.

As members of the royal family of God, there is no time to lose a fight between us. We are not engaging in destructive family feuds or sibling rivalry. Do not harass the Body of Christ! mental cruelty has got to go! No matter how serious or justified our reasons have to disagree with someone, we are small in comparison to our crucifixion of Christ commands us, through Paul, for one thing: "So, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearing one another and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another as Christ forgave you, so you must also do "(Colossians 3.12 to 13).

The next time you're "Out For Blood" because you're angry and upset, you should remember the only "flesh and blood" are offered - during our conversion course - is that of Jesus Christ! He cashed out a lot 'of his followers, when he shared that tidbit of information with them. They could not stomach. claim of Jesus 'being the Bread of Life, the manna from heaven, was a bit' hard to swallow. But say we wanted to feast on his life giving words. The Scriptures are to sustain us every day in this desert adventure (John 6:41-69).

You are what you eat. We grow more like Christ and less polemical: "trying to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace ... until we all come to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, a perfect (mature ) man, (measuring up to) the stature of the fullness of Christ ..."( Ephesians 4:2,3,13).

We are to stop the collection to another, pull together as Christian brothers, and resist Satan's attempts to pull us apart. And 'the old ploy of divide and rule. He revealed as one who worked on this wicked appetite: "Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil (NOT brothers!) Go around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8) .

Instead of falling prey to our enemy - going against each other - we ensure that we are consumed with our zeal for God's work (John 2:17).

Is there any kosher food for thought!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God, beings in the making!

Jesus was sent to Earth to deliver a message to humanity. A surprising message from Outer Space - the third Heaven - from our Creator God. A correct understanding of what the revelation - the one true Gospel - separates God's Church from all others, and exalts the pure religion above every false way! (John. 17:17).

There is only one way to enter the Kingdom of God - and that is through Christ! (Acts 4:12). He is the key that unlocks God's Royal House, the open door of the Universe, the Gateway to Eternity, the immortal Pioneer, which opened the road! All other roads are dead ends and will self-destruct (John. 10:1).

God you play! This is the glorious good news that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD announces the kingdom of God, a kingdom of God's Spirit-Born-Beings! A royal family that we can get! (Rev 3:21). A family that will handle the divine rule of God throughout the universe and eternity! (Isaiah 09:07, Dan 7:18).

God became man so man could become God! (John. 1:14, Matt. 10:25). Humanity was created after the GODKIND, and after a lifetime of conversion, change for the better, to go through the process of purification (more like God, more Christ-like, more Kingdom-like) may be born again ONE RESURRECTION - just like Jesus, the firstborn of many brothers! (Rom 1:04, 8:29). Currently, we're too human, but soon we are transformed into glorious, immortal Spirit! (John. 10:34-35; Ephes. 4.24). This is what Jesus told Nicodemus, the Jewish religious leader. Do not beat around the bush, got straight to the point and said, "You must be born again!" (John. 3:3).

Jesus elaborated on this bomb, seeing Nicodemus was speechless (just like many religious people today!) He explained that if your parents are flesh and blood humans, it is natural that you're also human. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh." She is nothing more or less. Kind after kind (Gen. 1:27). And if you are born again by God's Spirit-composed, it's just become a supernatural spirit, composed God! "That which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (Jn 3:3-8). Human-beings can become GOD-beings! But first we must be BORN AGAIN!

Unless you are born again - a resurrection - we can not see or enter God's Royal Family! The apostle Paul clearly taught the same as Jesus: "And as we have borne the image of the earth (flesh and blood), also bear the image of the heavenly (Spirit). Now this I say, brethren, flesh and blood can inherit the Kingdom of God ... but we will all be raised incorruptible changed ... ... and ... put on immortality "(I Cor. 15:48-53). When will mortals become immortal? (Proving we are not now). When we change our composition and character? "... In the last trumpet" (vs.52) - not in this lifetime, but the coming of Christ and our resurrection (Revelation 11:15, 20:06)! As pure and simple!

Because the vast majority of professing Christians been deceived on this point? Why go bleating about being "born again" already? Jesus said "what is born of the Spirit is spirit", and Paul said "flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom of God." We believe that the Bible or traditional Christianity? (Mark. 7.7).

But we could really become GOD-beings? (I John. 3.9). The will of God our father literal? Will we take his family name? (Ephes. 3.15; Rev. 22:4). Yes! Because it was found that "when he appears we shall be like him" (I John. 3:4), "which must change our vile body (flesh), which can be made as to his glorious body (Spirit), according the work for which he is to subdue all things to himself "(Philippians 3:21). Even as David and Daniel prophesied of the bright future God has for us in Serbia, when we inherit His divine nature and form: "... here I thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied when I wake up (the resurrection), with your likeness "and" ... shine like stars forever "(Ps. 17:15, Dan 12:3). Once again, especially after species (Gal.4: 19). What a glorious hope and calling!

Mankind created after Godkind, born again in the resurrection, Spirit-composed and Divine! The plan is the whole and the will of God! Soon it will be mission accomplished in our lives and we experience the "finishing touch" to our spiritual creation (Phil. 1:6; Rev. 1:8; Efes. 2:10). We are in fact the Kingdom of God in embryo - the Community pioneer of an advanced civilization - which will soon help to create Heaven on Earth! Meanwhile, we continue to develop and reflect the holy and just nature of God, in joyful anticipation! (II Pet. 1:4).

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rapture or Place of Safety?

We know that those who are accounted worthy to escape WWIII, those with prayer and watchful spirit, growing and overcoming and sensitive guidance of the Holy Spirit (Luke 21:34-36), will be more than those provided in the "His Place "as our gracious of hosts promised (Rev 12:14). The "rapture" is not biblical! God offers protection on Earth.

We also know that it will be harder for those who are pregnant or have young people tend to, and to help ease our collective pain birth, we are commanded to pray to our emergency evacuation will not be in winter or the Sabbath (Matthew 24:16-21). This reveals our prayers can affect timing of God and world events! We are the people of the God of Elijah and prayer can move mountains shake and rattle the Earth and Heaven, if necessary! Our God is in control, even if the world seems to be spinning out of control.

God is able to restore power to large and small Isa.40 (:28-31), for when the appointed time has come, we go with our young and our old (Ex. 10:9), and Israel leave Egypt as there is one person among us weak, but everything will go ahead with the supernatural power of the Name of the Lord (Ps 105:37).

However, the Word of God reveals that God has chosen, in his infinite wisdom, that some righteous, some merciful brothers, rest in peace in the grave, we are saved from terrible times to come (Isaiah 57: 1-2).

Regardless, we encourage one another that the Father knows best, who knows how to take care of his family, who control all the provisions for our stay in the desert, the place that Providence provides, and rest assured that the good creation of God awaits our arrival and will meet all our needs! (Isaiah 35).

Monday, July 23, 2012

God has given names

I was born David A. Hoover January 10, 1960 in Bowling Green, Ohio. However, I legally changed my name to David Ben-Ariel (with the help of my lawyer jew) during the spring of 1989. It cost me $ 300.00.

He also requested that I take out a small ad in a newspaper announcing my intentions 30 days in advance. I put my ad in the Bowling Green Sentinel.

I also had to appear before a judge (it depends on what county you were born) for him to privately question my motivations. It 'been assured by my lawyer that I was not running from the law or trying to escape some debt, but that my reasons were religious in nature. The court acknowledged that, but wanted to impress on me that I could have "problems" with that name in America, without elaborating. I felt he meant because he was jew and / or may be difficult for some to know how to pronounce. I told him I was not concerned about it since I planned to move to Israel, however.

The reasons for changing my name were religious in nature. Why? Because I honestly feel that Ben-Ariel is a God-given name. Why should I feel that way? Because after a class in which my Jewish teacher whom many people change their names when they move to Israel, I came home wondering what surname I would have in Israel, knowing my name is already Hebrew.

I always liked the last Hebrew name Ben-Ammi, after reading the book by Leon Uris' Exodus, as it means "son of my people," but even think about it and wondering what the name of my father would as if he would give me a Jewish name, I did not. Then he knelt in prayer and asked God what name, if present, would give me as is my Heavenly Father, and I could not ask my dad because he died when I was twelve.

I expected God to perhaps lead or guide or influence me as a particular name, but immediately ARIEL flashed into my mind and I immediately dismissed. Why? Because it means "lion of God" and I heard that name belongs only to Jesus Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. While asking the name of Ariel, I remembered that the Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon was (which I have met in Jerusalem and Hebron). I reluctantly decided to keep the name in reserve (since he was really impressed on me!) As long as God or circumstances might lead me to accept another, and went to bed.

The Bible mentions several incidents in which God chose to change someone's name or name them before their birth. And 'unusual, but it is not scriptural. There was Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac (Gen. 17:05, 15, 19), Ishmael (Gen. 16:11), Solomon (I Chron. 22:09) and Solomon's nickname Jedidiah (2 Sam. 12: 25), Cyrus (Isaiah 44:28, 45:4), John the Baptist (Lk 1:13), Jesus (Matt. 1:21); two brothers Peter and James and John who Jesus called "sons of thunder" ( Mk 3:16-17), to name a few.

God promises to give everyone a new and unique name in the United, or alternatively or in addition to our current one (Rev. 2:17), as well as sharing Jesus 'new name' and bearing the name of the Father, as Priest-Kings (Rev. 3:12, 14; Ex. 28:36, Lev. 8.9). God has many name or titles, descriptive of his wonderful qualities and characteristics (Isaiah 09:06). Jews teach that God Hebrew name Elohim (literally Gods) is plural because God is too big to be limited to a name, and is used in the real sense of "we." That's why Elohim said, Let us ...." We know it is because there are currently two beings by God in one kingdom of God, like Adam and Eve were two separate people who both shared the surname Adam as one family unit (Gen. 2:24; 05:02 , Jn. 10:30).

God has his reasons why he changed the name of someone and who are we to question Him? The number of the April 1980 Good News magazine published an article entitled "History of the Church" that helps us understand why Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter: "... and he gave him a surname prophetic of the moral and spiritual strength that would ultimately prove. Jesus bestowed upon him the new name, before he earned might be an incentive for him to realize what Jesus had expected. "

After going to bed, fall asleep, Isaiah 29:1 flashed in my mind. The amazing thing was that I had never memorized that Scripture! It reveals that Ariel is a nickname for Jerusalem! Now I understand why God the Father had chosen Ariel for me. Anyone who knows me knows that Jerusalem is always on my mind (Jeremiah 51:50), especially after my first visit to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in 1980. God showed me that stirred me and gave me the ardent desire of Jerusalem and Israel (Isaiah 62:1, 6-7). I finally understood that God was calling me "son of Jerusalem."

I got out of bed, knelt down with tears in his eyes and thanked God for truly knowing us inside and out, just as His Word says, and embraced the new name God had given me! I also accepted as a spiritual goal: to live worthy of the name of holy Jerusalem and all that it ideally represents.

I conclude my prayers facing Jerusalem every night with "Yerushalayim shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold), a plea for Jerusalem to fulfill his calling (2 Chron. 6:38-39, Dan 6:10). Later, I began to understand how Ariel can also refer to Judah and King David. Since my family tree is traced back to the British and Scottish Royal Family (Royal House of David) is also fitting that Ben-Ariel can mean "son of David" and "Elmer Gantry" (whose tribal symbol is the lion).

I am convinced that the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, and the God of David, my ancestors, I was blessed with the name of Ariel. Even if I chose Ariel for myself - I did not, I originally objected - there's nothing wrong since this practice is Biblical: "One must say, I am the Lord, and another said the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand towards the Lord, and the same surname with the name of Israel "(Isaiah 44:5).

God surnamed me Ariel back around 1982, but it was not until 1989 that I finally changed my name legally. I knew that if God had given me the name I have not necessarily had to change my name. I was also reluctant to do because I am the only son and only Hoover males alive (that I know of) were my grandfather and me. I did not want the name to die, not that I'm married and have kids, anyway (although God assures His "eunuchs" that we will be given excellent and eternal names - Isa. 56:5). I began to see that Hoover was possibly an Anglicized form of German Huber (since many immigrants changed their names upon arrival in America).

Even I did not want to hurt or offend my grandfather or possibly get disinherited, but I made up my mind that since I was about to apply for citizenship in Israel, beginning a new chapter in our family history, I was going to take the ' initiative and change my name. My grandfather ended up dying about four months before the fact, unaware of what I planned to do. So now I'm David Ben-Ariel for years and my family and friends are used to.

My given name is established by God before God that mentions twice in Jerusalem: the City of David and Ariel.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Must judge the Christians?

The typical liberal misunderstanding of Christianity is that Christians should not judge anyone. This misunderstanding stems from a superficial reading of Rabbi Yashua's (Jesus') teaching when He says: "Judge not, be not judged ..." (Luke 7:1-5). But, when read in context, it is understood that God keep us at a level less stringent than what we ask of others.

Each opinion must be tempered with mercy. Jesus clearly taught that we can see other imperfections (the "straw" in their eye) and help to remove once we got the first "bundle" from our eye. The aim is to help and not hurt: constructive criticism, not moral or motivation left.

There is a big difference between a judge and condemn a person to act Gehenna (Hell) fire. Only God really knows the thoughts and intentions, and the potential of every individual. When God gave Moses the various statutes and laws for the nation of Israel, He commanded that judge and condemn to death some people for certain offenses.

When Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery, He did not excuse his actions, but warned to go and sin no more "(John. 8.11). He acknowledged that it was a sin worthy of death, but of course the loss to a greater purpose God, discern a truly repentant attitude.

She has not said what technically constitutes sin, lie on it, or threaten to go vigorously after his accusers. Jesus had left their thoughts in their shame offenders leave the scene and leaving her alone with the Savior (which we must all appear in the final).

Again, the apostle Paul wrote that "he who is spiritual judges all things" (I Cor. 2:15). Today, a Scripture that would be politically incorrect. Seems like it was "live and let live", "never judge," until whatever it is wrong and not fair! The spiritual person is to judge everything based on the book states that we call the Holy Bible. Indeed, the fact that so many people are confused about what is right and wrong have blurred any distinction between the two is the fault of ministers bad!

Yes, they are judging! They are to judge by their lack of performance because the Scripture teaches that it is supposed to teach my people the difference between the sacred and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and clean. And in controversy they're in court, and they judged according to MY JUDGMENTS (not the last survey): and you shall keep my laws and my statutes in all my meetings, and they shall hallow my Sabbaths "(Ezekiel 44:23-24).

We are to display news from a higher point of view, through the eyes of God, and judge everything accordingly (Isaiah 55:8-9). As is all too evident in our attitudes and actions, we're so far from true spirituality that is past the time to read the mind of God and go by the book! (Deut.17 :18-20). Without this standard stabilization there is only chaos and confusion.

May God bless the American people and the British and the Jewish brethren, to discover the law and order of our Jewish roots and biblical flourish rather than flounder!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The plain truth about Easter

How dumb sheep to the slaughter, most people continue to blindly follow pagan traditions, rather than obey God's clear commands (Mark 7:7). Did it ever occurred to those filling their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James and John ever ate forbidden foods. They would not feel too comfortable to many people's tables.

Even the early Gentile converts Judeo-Christianity respected the biblical dietary laws (Acts 15:20), understanding that not all foods are sanctioned by God in Scripture (I Tim. 4:5).

When John the Baptist, Jesus, acknowledged as our Passover sacrifice, declared: "Behold the Lamb of God" (Jn 1:29). He did not say, "Here comes the Easter Bunny!" Again, like ham on Easter, the Easter Bunny is also rejected in the Bible as an abomination (Lev. 11:6-7).

The name Easter is exposed as a pagan celebration, even if it is cloaked as "Christian." Easter / Ishtar / Astarte is the Babylonian goddess Israelite our spring / Anglo-Saxon ancestors stupidly adored. Hence the fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs.

God is not fooled by such baptized paganism, such whitewashed heathen customs (Deuteronomy 12:30). He commands us to commemorate the death of Jesus' every Passover and recognize His atoning work of redemption as our High Priest rose in the sky, unleavening our life of sin (I Cor. 5:7-8). The early Church followed the example of Jesus jew 'for several hundred years until Gentile opposition (from false converts) threatened them with a death sentence if they did not bow before the Easter celebrations (the controversial fourth-Deciman) !

A growing number now know, understand and believe the biblical account that we are to observe Passover and that Jesus was resurrected before sunrise Sunday, "when it was still dark" (Jn 10:1). Others prefer to reject this light of understanding to remain in their traditional darkness (John 3:19).

Fortunately, every generation has chosen few who are willing to "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered" (Jude 3). Hopefully this will make you question your beliefs and to provide kosher food for thought!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Remember The Sabbath

Did you ever stop to think why Christians keep Sunday? They did get the Bible? There is a clear command that says: "You keep Sunday?" Why worship Jesus on Saturday? It was only because he was a good Jew? Or go beyond that?

It has a few differences that we observe days, until we keep one day in seven? What does the Bible really say? "And on the seventh day God finished the work he had done, and rested the seventh day .... And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work he created and made" (Gen. 02:02 - 3).

Go grab a calendar. See what day is the seventh day and then you know the Bible Sabbath. And remember, God gave humanity the gift of the Sabbath from creation. Adam and Eve were not Jews! Yet they should remember God's seventh day Sabbath as a memorial of creation.

When we assemble our God has given Saturday, we worship the King of Creation. Any other "Sabbath" is simply man! The Great Creator, God blessed the seventh day with his presence, and thus distinguish it as special. We must not accept cheap imitations or substitutes, if the traditional Muslim Friday or Sunday!

As humanity lost or neglected the truth of God on Saturday, the Creator chose to reveal it again when he was in the process of creation of Israel as a Servant-Nation. God instructed them, so they can teach others: "Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days you shall labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God. In it are not they .... work in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them is, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it "(Ex. 20:8-11).

Warning: God says the Sabbath as His. He does not refer to it as "the Jewish Sabbath." Although became known as to distinguish it from various pagan times of worship (Ga 4:10). "Lord's Day" was for everyone to enjoy and appreciate (Matt. 12:08; Isa. 56:6). And the early Church, composed of both Jews and Gentiles, they celebrated together on Saturday for just over three years one hundred! This is longer than the U.S. has experienced the independence!

When God has restored the Sabbath in Israel, was the same DAY Saturday established in creation. It has not been changed to a different day. And his goal remains the same: to reveal the Creator and commemorate his magnificent works of art!

Jesus honored his father by keeping the commandments of God's fourth commandment is to remember the Sabbath day. Christ has not forgotten the importance of attending Sabbath services (Lk 4:16) - NEVER ON A SUNDAY-and the apostle Paul exhorts us to avoid the habit of skipping church services (Hebrews 10:25). After all, is an ordered assembly (Lev. 23:03) which gives us the opportunity to better understand the Scriptures (Acts 19:8). Why bother?

As we remember the impressive ability of God, the Sabbath is the memorial of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt (Deut. 5:15). It also heralds our European future redemption from tyranny and portrays our deliverance from sin being (Isaiah 14:03, Ga 5:1). God sent the plagues against Egypt identified him as the Creator God: that he could control the forces of nature and to intervene in the affairs of nations. When God pours out the seven last plagues on the Babylonian system in Europe, bringing his knees, will reveal it only as the Almighty God and the Holy Father (Dan. 2:44, Rev. 14:7)!

The Sabbath, a memorial of creation and deliverance of Israel, reminds us relief from sin is coming. We can finally relax and enjoy the temptation Justice (II Pet. 3:13)! When we are truly born again will be free from sin, but it will be a thing of the past (I Jn. 3.9). This serenity awaits us in the promised land of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 4:1 - 11). You play God - Christ in us - and add the "finishing touch" to our resurrection (Romans 8:21-23).

Jesus cut any red tape entangling of human traditions, and kept the Sabbath day as God (Mark 7:7). Yet it was prophesied that someone would tamper with when and how we are to observe the Sabbath of God, and forcefully trying to replace it with their (Dan. 7:25, Rev. 17:5). This question Saturday is destined to become a new problem bloody (Revelation 13:17, 14:13). But for those who really want to know the truth, God entrusted the Jews to maintain the knowledge of the true Sabbath (Rom 9:4). And Jews do not worship on Sunday! They follow the biblical practice of celebrating the Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. God also pronounced a blessing to anyone properly observe the Sabbath just before Christ's return, despite political pressure to do otherwise (Isaiah 56:1-2).

Why not take long to get to know God? While enjoying our daily contact, putting aside God every seventh day as a special opportunity to learn more about him and his life. Do not settle for fakes or groped take days copied by others (Deut. 12:30).

God reserves the seventh day of his people. It 'been a normal part of Jesus' life' and lifestyle of the early Church. In fact, all the righteous priests and prophets, patriarchs and kings, in the course of biblical history, held on Holy Saturday of God Why not follow their example? Do not forget!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Jesus spoke much of heaven, as He did about Hell. What I do is a little comparison of the Truth of the Bible on the lies of Jihad, as the Muslim Nations try to dominate the world with their false religion.

Islam believes that the world will eventually convert to Islam, if all the factions, which are not Islamic are removed [AKA, killed]. For Muslims the greatest threat to their domination of the world is Judaism and Christianity. That both of these will eventually unite under a single Savior Jesus Christ.
We will examine the militant interpretation of jihad, because it is what many are dying and today. The militant interpretation of jihad, is to suggest a worldview in which anti-Islamic forces hostile [Judaism and Christianity.] They are currently preventing Islam to achieve its full potential for global expansion peaceful - [Global Dominance] a worldview in which Islam will eventually be adopted by all men forced [on] whether these hostile forces Jews [&] Christians face socially and militarily.

Offensive jihad is the conduct of wars of aggression and conquest against non-Muslims to bring them and their territories [Conquer] under Islamic rule. This view is forced servitude and as with Hitler Stallen. Having a vision of God which is interpreted by a handful of men who control all aspects of religion. The Saducies and Pharisees, lost power because of this same ideology that Muslims today are in use.

"Offensive Jihad" is, according to classical Islamic law, a campaign that can only be declared by the legitimate head of the Islamic State, ie the Caliph. Breaking its own law for jihad is not a Caliph Ordan jihad. Tradition states that while only the Caliph may declare a jihad offensive to another country, no authority is needed for the start of "defensive jihad" - because, in this view, when Muslims are attacked, automatically become mandatory for all Muslim men of military age within a certain radius of the attack, to defend against any foreign attack (the size of the radius that is determined by the circumstances military during the attack.) What is being fought today is not jihad But defensive homicide. They do not attack military targets, as in real war, but attack, women and children of all faiths.

The Qu-ran says that Jesus was a prophet of God, but not-listen to his teachings. Jesus says very clearly, "Mat 12:30 He who is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." "It 's been mentioned by Ibn Abi Hatim Daraji, that Abu al-Haytham' Adullah Wahbi narrated by Ibn Abu Sa'id al-Khudhri, who heard the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of Heaven is an abode where there are eighty thousand servants and seventy-two wives, on which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aqua marine and ruby, as wide as the distance from al-Jabiyyah in Sanaa. Many of the men who are suicide bombers are washed membrane to believe that sex with 72 wives will be their reward in heaven. But Jesus said again, Luke 20:35 But who are considered worthy to obtain that world, and his resurrection from dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage.

If Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet of God, then why not believe him. This is not the same with the Pharisees? Jesus is mentioned 28 times in the Qu-ran, as a man of God as a prophet and strengthened in the Faith. So why not believe him?

Mat 21:24 - 27: And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also ask you one thing, that if you tell me, I like to test will tell you by what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven or from men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying: "If we shall say, From heaven, he tells us, then why do not you believe him? But if we say, of men, we fear the people, for all hold John as a prophet. And Jesus answered and said, "You can not say. And he said:" Neither I tell you by what authority I do these things.

Jihad is an excuse for murder and mayhem. Christianity has survived many wars and many past attempts by the spirit of anti-Christ and to destroy Israel, but we still stand. Jihad is just another attempt by the spirit of anti-Christ to gain control of all afaires world. Rev 06:09 And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

Rev 6:10-11 And cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on earth?

And white robes were given to each of them and told them that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be met.

John 16:2-3 They shall put out the synagogues: yea, the time will come, you think anyone who kills him to do the service of God and these things get to you because they have not known the Father nor me.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The legacy of John Paul II

(Please I want everyone to observe silence for a few minutes late John Paul II for a remarkable and memorable reign 2006-papacy)

Death be not proud
Although some have called thee mighty and dreadful
But you're so
Or you can kill again ...
And death shall be no more
death you die


The death is avoidable, goes the saying of old. An analytical eye to the creation of man (women included), makes me conclude that it is all the dust (no exemption, including myself) to return a "must" happen one day, one day, depending.

I asked my good friend, the meaning of death. And he said, "the end of life." I really do not understand. I asked again, this time, what is life? In response, said "the period between birth and death." Is not confused and think, I said, it is true that John Paul II have actually finished? (You decide)

And death shall have no dominion.
Dead men naked they shall be one with the man in the wind and the west moon;
When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone,
Have stars at elbow and foot;
Though they go mad they shall be sane,
Though they sink into the sea will rise again;
Though lovers be lost love shall not;
And death shall have no dominion.

And death shall have no dominion.
Under the windings of the sea
Lying long shall not die in the wind;
Twisting on racks when sinews give way,
Strapped to a wheel, but not break;
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
And the unicorn evils run them through;
SPLIT each side will not crack;
And death shall have no dominion.

And death has no dominion.
No more may gulls cry at their ears
The waves break loud on the seashores;
Where blew a flower may bloom more
Raise the head from the blows of the rain;
Though they be mad and dead as nails,
The heads of the characters hammer through daisies;
Break in the sun till the sun breaks,
And death shall have no dominion.


Thoughts after thoughts came into my mind. The thoughts of the late John Paul II quotes as for different sectors of a nation, which is known in business management as pests.

Among the citations are:

"Irresponsibility, injustice and inequality will not achieve peace," he went on to say that "the essential distinction between church and public authorities must not make us forget that others are as a direct man, and the Church, expert in humanity can not give-up based political activities to direct them towards the common good of society "

"However, this progress often has serious problems with regard to respect for human life and dignity"

"The profit motive, even if legitimate, can not be the main or even sole motive of business or commercial activities, such as an activity as much to keep in mind the human factors and is subject to the moral demands proper to all human action "

"Truth and solidarity are two of the most effective means available for overcoming hatred, resolving conflict and eliminating violence"


But not all. As the story takes, he is the only pope who has asked for forgiveness when he said: "We forgive and ask forgiveness." Always preaching his message of forgiveness, he said, "our forgiveness has to be motivated only by love of God and our faith in His mercy unsurpassed. Location of the Holy Bible, Ezekiel 36 v 24-27, said, "God's forgiveness can transform the heart of stone of every human being in a natural heart."

He urges all Christians and non Christians "keep the Lord as the stronghold of their lives through personal prayer and communal sure winner for the believer in times of trial"

Catholics around the world, are lagging behind all this for you "do we feel more united than ever in the recitation of the Rosary especially for families and for world peace", the virgin, is the teacher before and principal Christian prayer ... his school, one learns to contemplate the face of the Lord, to assimilate her feelings and accept its values with generous consistency.

The late John Paul II has changed the Roman Catholic church in a truly global, embracing justice and peace with its first comment papacy "not afraid". The world remember him for his remarkable intelligence, energy and enormous power to the true flame of freedom for the last twenty-six and in time to come.

I implore everyone to always pray for the deceased Pope John Paul II in our personal prayer.

May the soul of the late John Paul II and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A very short prayer heard by God

Matthew 6 verse 7: "But when ye pray, use not vain repititions, as the heathen do, because they think they can be heard for their much speaking."

One Sunday night, I had the privilege to lead Bible study for adults at my church. I taught on prayer and the importance of prayer straight from your heart. We have all heard many prayers, indeed, I once heard a prayer that lasted over an hour. Some offered prayers to say the same thing, "Lord bless our church, both with the pastor as he carries the message, bless our country, bless all the sick, shutins, and those in nursing homes, etc.". Some prayers I have heard that I could recite from memory ... were the same as if saved, not by heart.

That particular night, the spirit moved among us and the Lord has graciously blessed our service. There was an old man attending that night and his name was George. He had been having some health problems and family problems. I knew he loved Jesus, but he was a bit 'shy and had never heard praying aloud. After finishing the study of the Bible, I asked that they all have a circle, hold hands and pray, asking God's help in our time of need. The Lord moved on me to ask George to begin the prayer. All eyes were closed and every head was bowed, and there was silence for a few minutes. Then I heard the faint voice of George, he prayed: "Lord, this guy is George and you know what weighs on my heart." This was his prayer. Just spoke these words short, the Spirit of the Lord moved in a special way all of us. There was not a dry eye in that group, we felt the humility of prayer for George and the child, as he had faith. What a wonderful end to a Bible study on prayer!

About four months later, the Lord called to George's house. At his funeral, the preacher talked about the time that George had asked, and what has been a blessing to hear those heartfelt words. That prayer has touched the throne of God, and many lives. Praise the Lord for the testimony of George!

Luke 18 verse 13: "And the publican, standing afar, not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his chest, saying:" God be merciful to me a sinner. "

Copyright 2005, Irvin L. Rozier

Monday, July 16, 2012

To compete and co-CreateThat Is The Question!

As a financial economist my motivation has long been to understand a simple academic koan: "Why is there scarcity in a world rich?" A koan is a question for the history and tradition of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, which the answer is inaccessible to rational understanding, but with great effort can be obtained by accessing our higher collective mind. The motivational force driving my studies and research is little-known fact that the planet Earth and the universe have such an abundance that no living being need lack anything!

Here is another real noodle twister. Did you know that quantum physicists are people who are dedicated to trying to understand what the smallest building block of the physical world that we have to see how it is? Did you know that, as breaking the hold pieces of atoms reach a point where there is nothing physical? They can not reject the very real possibility that the smallest component of matter is pure thought which does not diminish or die!

This is an amazing concept because it means that your mind can not be housed in your brain and all your "subconscious" is only your mind's largest, and collectively with the mind is linked to other in existence. If this is the case it could also explain the documentation of Tibetan Buddhists, who have tracked people through subsequent transmigration cyclical as reincarnated from one body to another. It would also explain the bizarre phenomenon documented in "The Mind of pure light." This occurs when Tibetan Buddhist monks who reach this exalted state of mind "die" in a meditative position, but the body refuses to decay for days, weeks or even months! A corollary of the Western Catholic saints are documented cases of bodies that remained fresh and fragrant for a similar period after death.

A major turning point in my understanding of academic answer to my koan came when I learned an important psychological fact a friend of mine, Dr. Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Our minds can see only two emotions, love or fear. Another fundamental fact is that the mind can not experience thoughts of love and thoughts of fear at the same time, only one or the other. Over time I realized that recognition of the existence of the exclusive nature of these emotions is essential for the enrichment of our lives. I have also come to see that we are the body mind! This offers an explanation that miraculous physical healing comes from healing the mind of the person deciding to make a fundamental shift from fear to love a system of thought based on personal perception that does not allow any form of scarcity as the disease.

Think about it, you are really something else? You are really anything but a thinking mind directing a temporary physical vehicle called a temporary physical body in this world? Ponder the koan that "you is not a mind a body that has the power to choose to focus exclusively on love and abundance!" Over time that there is a radically and positively change your thinking. This is because you slowly realize that everything you see around the world about yourself is derived from your (our) thinking.

All this has allowed me to come and see that all scarcity in the world that happens when a mind chooses to focus on the emotions of fear. This focus on fear comes from thinking that "not only is not enough for everyone." This causes people to act competitively based on the perception of scarce resources.
Alternatively, I have come to see that all the wealth in the world happens when a mind chooses to focus on the emotion of love. This causes people to act together in harmony, as CO-CREATERS based on the perception of abundant resources. What this world needs is not welfare, but a complete change of focus collective thought of the fear of love, hence the scarcity of abundance!

Let me give a couple of places where you can learn plenty. Dr. Tharp teaches students to learn how to create wealth in their lives to the Van Tharp Institute ( the need to allow the mind to focus solely on abundance. As cognitive psychologist Dr. Tharp has spent many years developing a methodology to help people clean up the fear for their thoughts on the construction of financial wealth.

Another friend of mine, Matt Bacak, teaches people how to promote their skills on the Internet at in his seminars in Atlanta. Matt promotes abundance by teaching people to market a place of love for all humanity. He also promotes collective thinking in his calls JV where everyone shares ideas as co-creators instead of competitors. It 'been a conversation with Matt gave me the idea for this article I really hope that encourages you to stop competing and start co-create!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Commonsense guide to exorcism

Bloodshot eyes stared at the crucifix six inches from his nose. Leather restraints lined with lamb's wool laid down his arms and legs to the chair. The man possessed by the devil threw the hand holding the holy symbol. gnashing teeth struggled to bite my wrist tight.

Crimson scratches and cryptic signs Throughout his belly. Blood and sweat spattered the floor around the brute, and a puddle of urine under his chair slowly spread until the priest could not avoid being in it. The satanic beast chewed his tongue and the tender flesh inside his cheek. His tortured mouth spit blood and tissue and obscenities at those attending the exorcism.

What we have here is a Hollywood-embellished, grotesque superstition at work.

What happened to cause rational people to accept this remnant of archaic religious authorities attempt to control the masses with fear? Frightened followers submit under scare tactics of hellfire and damnation. This is doubly effective because the authorities believe in what they are teaching people. They too fear the evil entities brought to life by their imagination.

Why are we so vulnerable to this indoctrination? Since all souls are coded to look for God begin our life on earth with a "god-shaped hole 'in our soul. God put it there so we want to find the way back to him.

We spend our lives trying to fill the "empty space". We pack with lovers, religion, money, drugs, work, excitement, gambling, etc. None of these attacks, I get right on the search again looking for love, for attachment, for distraction, and implementation.

In the ancient religions of Abraham through Jesus Christ and Mohammed, the lower nature of human beings has been presented as demons, devils and Satan. These names are allegorical to turn away from God and goodness.

The pure teachings of the Messengers of God has never suggested that demons, devils, Satanic powers, or fallen angels are merely allegory. The Church and Hollywood borrowed their concepts and descriptions of these actors and their work from Dante's Inferno ", written more than 700 years ago during the European Middle Ages Dark.

Family traditions, religious teachings, television, films, books and instill the belief in demons, devils, and possession. When someone in authority tells a person who is possessed by a demon, most believe. Traditions, television, films, books and show people how a possessed person is supposed to act. purpuras psychogenic stress is the medical term for bruising and bleeding from the skin and mucous membranes. It is common in cases of great emotional stress. E '"super hives." Exorcisms are created to man these demons.

As cultures, they recognize the absurdity surrounding religious superstition and dogma. Today we understand that the Greek and Roman mythological gods were a phenomenon of that age, and our enlightenment invests less and less afraid of imaginary devils and demons. Education shines its light into dark corners of the mind. fear of a culture of demons is in direct relation to the training of its people.

The fear of an overwhelming power of evil is a learned fear. And 'taught to control people's behavior. Religious belief and spiritual authority without the influence of science is superstition. In the same way that Galileo was excommunicated from the church for saying that the earth was the center of the universe, people are controlled by a belief in demons and demonic possession.

Some religions have become the bastion of superstition. I attended both a voodoo service and a holy roller church service. The physical actions appeared the same. The incomprehensible guttural sound the same. They both had people rolling on the floor in a state of spiritual ecstasy, and both teach demonic possession.

We live in a world of great scientific discovery, a world of brain science and neurotransmitters. Why do you think the chemical lithium can exorcise a demon? Because PCP unleash a demon? If you look at demonic possession clinically, there schizophrenia, psychoses, Tourettes Syndrome, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

In cases where a belief in demons is strongest, incidents of possession are strongest. This is common sense, folks. People who fear demons, find demons to fear. People who care about demonic possession, demons found to possess them. People, who imagine demons are lurking and waiting for a chance to pounce on them, pounced on to achieve.

The people who understand the psychological impact of superstition and fear, know that they are fully responsible for yourself, and have never possessed by mythical demons. People who know that old houses creak, squirrels make nests in the attic, and underground caverns cause infrasound vibrations are not haunted by demons. Why? I think you know the answer.

An evil spirit is nothing but a bad attitude ... a spirit of hatred, the spirit of greed, a spirit of cruelty, etc. And you can choose to replace these with a spirit of joy, a spirit of love, a spirit of giving. These are choices from a human free will. We choose how we think, what we do, and what we say. "The devil made me do" is a powerful alternative to accepting responsibility for our own free will choices and behaviors.

So how do you exorcise demons? By seeing them for what they are, unhealthy childhood experiences of abuse mental, emotional or physical. Sick raise families of sick children. Sick children raise more sick children. Love the environment, food exorcise demons. Knowledge exorcise demons.

1. Know that demons are imaginary creations of fears common to man's lower nature.

2. Understand that there are demons with the power to possess you.

3. In the case of mental illness, seek professional help.

4. In the case of addiction, seek professional help.

Copyright 2005 Robbin Renee Bridges