Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A very short prayer heard by God

Matthew 6 verse 7: "But when ye pray, use not vain repititions, as the heathen do, because they think they can be heard for their much speaking."

One Sunday night, I had the privilege to lead Bible study for adults at my church. I taught on prayer and the importance of prayer straight from your heart. We have all heard many prayers, indeed, I once heard a prayer that lasted over an hour. Some offered prayers to say the same thing, "Lord bless our church, both with the pastor as he carries the message, bless our country, bless all the sick, shutins, and those in nursing homes, etc.". Some prayers I have heard that I could recite from memory ... were the same as if saved, not by heart.

That particular night, the spirit moved among us and the Lord has graciously blessed our service. There was an old man attending that night and his name was George. He had been having some health problems and family problems. I knew he loved Jesus, but he was a bit 'shy and had never heard praying aloud. After finishing the study of the Bible, I asked that they all have a circle, hold hands and pray, asking God's help in our time of need. The Lord moved on me to ask George to begin the prayer. All eyes were closed and every head was bowed, and there was silence for a few minutes. Then I heard the faint voice of George, he prayed: "Lord, this guy is George and you know what weighs on my heart." This was his prayer. Just spoke these words short, the Spirit of the Lord moved in a special way all of us. There was not a dry eye in that group, we felt the humility of prayer for George and the child, as he had faith. What a wonderful end to a Bible study on prayer!

About four months later, the Lord called to George's house. At his funeral, the preacher talked about the time that George had asked, and what has been a blessing to hear those heartfelt words. That prayer has touched the throne of God, and many lives. Praise the Lord for the testimony of George!

Luke 18 verse 13: "And the publican, standing afar, not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his chest, saying:" God be merciful to me a sinner. "

Copyright 2005, Irvin L. Rozier

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