Thursday, July 26, 2012

Christian cannibals?

Cannibalism - a lot of thought disgusting and sends a shiver down my spine! But closet-cannibals are everywhere!

You might be surprised to discover some of your best friends and acquaintances are guilty of this charge grotesque. You've probably practiced cannibalism too - more often than you would care to admit.

The Apostle Paul warned about Christian cannibalism: "But if you bite and devour one another, be careful not to be consumed by one another" (Gal 5:15). Are you still stewing over some disagreement? It is an interpersonal problem "eating alive?" If you are "tired" of being misunderstood? Have you ever been "chewed out?" Or maybe you wanted to "chew and spit him out?" What about "cutting remarks?" Would not you like to pull in some people and give them a piece of your mind? " Do not deserve to be "cut to size?" Who has not made sarcastic comments (in greek - sarkazein to tear the flesh)? We were all "in hot water!" I think you get the point.

As members of the royal family of God, there is no time to lose a fight between us. We are not engaging in destructive family feuds or sibling rivalry. Do not harass the Body of Christ! mental cruelty has got to go! No matter how serious or justified our reasons have to disagree with someone, we are small in comparison to our crucifixion of Christ commands us, through Paul, for one thing: "So, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearing one another and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another as Christ forgave you, so you must also do "(Colossians 3.12 to 13).

The next time you're "Out For Blood" because you're angry and upset, you should remember the only "flesh and blood" are offered - during our conversion course - is that of Jesus Christ! He cashed out a lot 'of his followers, when he shared that tidbit of information with them. They could not stomach. claim of Jesus 'being the Bread of Life, the manna from heaven, was a bit' hard to swallow. But say we wanted to feast on his life giving words. The Scriptures are to sustain us every day in this desert adventure (John 6:41-69).

You are what you eat. We grow more like Christ and less polemical: "trying to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace ... until we all come to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, a perfect (mature ) man, (measuring up to) the stature of the fullness of Christ ..."( Ephesians 4:2,3,13).

We are to stop the collection to another, pull together as Christian brothers, and resist Satan's attempts to pull us apart. And 'the old ploy of divide and rule. He revealed as one who worked on this wicked appetite: "Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil (NOT brothers!) Go around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8) .

Instead of falling prey to our enemy - going against each other - we ensure that we are consumed with our zeal for God's work (John 2:17).

Is there any kosher food for thought!

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