Sunday, July 22, 2012

Must judge the Christians?

The typical liberal misunderstanding of Christianity is that Christians should not judge anyone. This misunderstanding stems from a superficial reading of Rabbi Yashua's (Jesus') teaching when He says: "Judge not, be not judged ..." (Luke 7:1-5). But, when read in context, it is understood that God keep us at a level less stringent than what we ask of others.

Each opinion must be tempered with mercy. Jesus clearly taught that we can see other imperfections (the "straw" in their eye) and help to remove once we got the first "bundle" from our eye. The aim is to help and not hurt: constructive criticism, not moral or motivation left.

There is a big difference between a judge and condemn a person to act Gehenna (Hell) fire. Only God really knows the thoughts and intentions, and the potential of every individual. When God gave Moses the various statutes and laws for the nation of Israel, He commanded that judge and condemn to death some people for certain offenses.

When Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery, He did not excuse his actions, but warned to go and sin no more "(John. 8.11). He acknowledged that it was a sin worthy of death, but of course the loss to a greater purpose God, discern a truly repentant attitude.

She has not said what technically constitutes sin, lie on it, or threaten to go vigorously after his accusers. Jesus had left their thoughts in their shame offenders leave the scene and leaving her alone with the Savior (which we must all appear in the final).

Again, the apostle Paul wrote that "he who is spiritual judges all things" (I Cor. 2:15). Today, a Scripture that would be politically incorrect. Seems like it was "live and let live", "never judge," until whatever it is wrong and not fair! The spiritual person is to judge everything based on the book states that we call the Holy Bible. Indeed, the fact that so many people are confused about what is right and wrong have blurred any distinction between the two is the fault of ministers bad!

Yes, they are judging! They are to judge by their lack of performance because the Scripture teaches that it is supposed to teach my people the difference between the sacred and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and clean. And in controversy they're in court, and they judged according to MY JUDGMENTS (not the last survey): and you shall keep my laws and my statutes in all my meetings, and they shall hallow my Sabbaths "(Ezekiel 44:23-24).

We are to display news from a higher point of view, through the eyes of God, and judge everything accordingly (Isaiah 55:8-9). As is all too evident in our attitudes and actions, we're so far from true spirituality that is past the time to read the mind of God and go by the book! (Deut.17 :18-20). Without this standard stabilization there is only chaos and confusion.

May God bless the American people and the British and the Jewish brethren, to discover the law and order of our Jewish roots and biblical flourish rather than flounder!

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