Monday, July 16, 2012

To compete and co-CreateThat Is The Question!

As a financial economist my motivation has long been to understand a simple academic koan: "Why is there scarcity in a world rich?" A koan is a question for the history and tradition of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, which the answer is inaccessible to rational understanding, but with great effort can be obtained by accessing our higher collective mind. The motivational force driving my studies and research is little-known fact that the planet Earth and the universe have such an abundance that no living being need lack anything!

Here is another real noodle twister. Did you know that quantum physicists are people who are dedicated to trying to understand what the smallest building block of the physical world that we have to see how it is? Did you know that, as breaking the hold pieces of atoms reach a point where there is nothing physical? They can not reject the very real possibility that the smallest component of matter is pure thought which does not diminish or die!

This is an amazing concept because it means that your mind can not be housed in your brain and all your "subconscious" is only your mind's largest, and collectively with the mind is linked to other in existence. If this is the case it could also explain the documentation of Tibetan Buddhists, who have tracked people through subsequent transmigration cyclical as reincarnated from one body to another. It would also explain the bizarre phenomenon documented in "The Mind of pure light." This occurs when Tibetan Buddhist monks who reach this exalted state of mind "die" in a meditative position, but the body refuses to decay for days, weeks or even months! A corollary of the Western Catholic saints are documented cases of bodies that remained fresh and fragrant for a similar period after death.

A major turning point in my understanding of academic answer to my koan came when I learned an important psychological fact a friend of mine, Dr. Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Our minds can see only two emotions, love or fear. Another fundamental fact is that the mind can not experience thoughts of love and thoughts of fear at the same time, only one or the other. Over time I realized that recognition of the existence of the exclusive nature of these emotions is essential for the enrichment of our lives. I have also come to see that we are the body mind! This offers an explanation that miraculous physical healing comes from healing the mind of the person deciding to make a fundamental shift from fear to love a system of thought based on personal perception that does not allow any form of scarcity as the disease.

Think about it, you are really something else? You are really anything but a thinking mind directing a temporary physical vehicle called a temporary physical body in this world? Ponder the koan that "you is not a mind a body that has the power to choose to focus exclusively on love and abundance!" Over time that there is a radically and positively change your thinking. This is because you slowly realize that everything you see around the world about yourself is derived from your (our) thinking.

All this has allowed me to come and see that all scarcity in the world that happens when a mind chooses to focus on the emotions of fear. This focus on fear comes from thinking that "not only is not enough for everyone." This causes people to act competitively based on the perception of scarce resources.
Alternatively, I have come to see that all the wealth in the world happens when a mind chooses to focus on the emotion of love. This causes people to act together in harmony, as CO-CREATERS based on the perception of abundant resources. What this world needs is not welfare, but a complete change of focus collective thought of the fear of love, hence the scarcity of abundance!

Let me give a couple of places where you can learn plenty. Dr. Tharp teaches students to learn how to create wealth in their lives to the Van Tharp Institute ( the need to allow the mind to focus solely on abundance. As cognitive psychologist Dr. Tharp has spent many years developing a methodology to help people clean up the fear for their thoughts on the construction of financial wealth.

Another friend of mine, Matt Bacak, teaches people how to promote their skills on the Internet at in his seminars in Atlanta. Matt promotes abundance by teaching people to market a place of love for all humanity. He also promotes collective thinking in his calls JV where everyone shares ideas as co-creators instead of competitors. It 'been a conversation with Matt gave me the idea for this article I really hope that encourages you to stop competing and start co-create!

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