Monday, July 9, 2012

An open door .. revealed in a dream

Acts 16.9 "and a vision appeared to Paul in the night, there was a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us."

I sought God's will for the service when I read the scripture above. As I went to prayer and asked God to open the door of opportunity, I had the blessed assurance that this prayer would be answered soon.

A couple of nights later, I went to sleep and had a dream. In this dream, the congregation of a small country church was holding a business meeting. I was recently sent a new pastor, but the circuit he was unable to come to preach every Sunday. Church members wanted to hold services every Sunday, but were without a preacher. In my vision, I recognized some of the church members who had already gone to be with the Lord. One of them stood up and said, 'Why not call Irvin and ask him to come preach every second and fourth Sunday? " The congregation all agree. I awoke from my dream vivid and the Lord spoke to me and said: "The dream is real, will be called to preach I know how to accept the mission."

I knew that many members of the church ... My brother-in-law, Rev. Joe Thigpen, was co-pastor there for 25 years. I filled in for him several times and had helped to keep up the cemetery for many years. The people there were good, kind-hearted people who loved their community and their church. Many times when I was mowing the cemetery, one or more people stopped to pay homage to their deceased loved ones. This was a great opportunity to minister to them and pray with those who were in difficulty. I have seen the Lord work in life through this experience.

About two weeks after my dream, a member of the church called me and said: "We had a meeting in the Church and everyone agrees. If you could, would you come on the second and fourth Sunday and preach to us?" I replied "Yes, the Lord has revealed to me that my next mission would be preaching to you." I ministered here for four years, and the Lord has greatly blessed the little church, both spiritually and materially.

Nothing like a little white country church situated on a gentle hill that recalls the simple fact of the Christian faith. God is love. During my time there, some of the older members continued to be with the Lord. I was privileged to preach their funeral and I still remember the sound of their voices, singing: "When playing the golden bells for you and me."

Psalm 133.1: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."

Copyright 2003 Irvin L. Rozier

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