Saturday, July 7, 2012

Your Fore-Taste Of Heaven

Have you ever considered the fact that at any moment from now every human being, certainly after death, start a new life and settle down finally, either in heaven or hell (Matthew 25:31 - 46)? This is, sooner or later one would expect. Heaven and Hell are proclaimed. Man looking for God in different ages, climates and places, have arisen many philosophies, religions and ideals. Everyone believes it has the ultimate truth. But, against the claims of false religions and doctrines, there is only one true religion. And it is clear that God does not approve of many things done in the name of religion.

The man can deceive and disappoint you, but God will not disappoint! trusted human vanity. Only God can save. You can not wish for happiness and heaven without a holy life. Human life was held in high esteem sacred and precious few righteous, holy people, men, women and young people who fear and reverence of God, and obey his commandments, with the smile of Providence.

Yet, in this wicked world, with flaws and false values, human life is more often than not been desecrated and trivialized through horrific acts of cruelty and oppression, humiliation, sadism and injustice. inhumanity to man has been perpetrated by many evil men in positions of authority or influence and social deviants. The consequences of this terrible mistake has been catastrophic with ominous portents.

Thus, in many parts of the world today, the rule seems to be sin, blasphemy, idolatry, hypocrisy, religious bigotry, obscuranticism, presumption, ingratitude, dishonesty, betrayal, greed, naked self-interest, fraud, theft, trickery, corruption, negligence, imprudence, envy, jealousy, hatred, variance, prejudice, cruelty, conflict, violence and war - all designed and controlled by the devil and other fallen angels.

The antics, arrogance and cunning of evil have been the ruin of society, haunting and mocking humanity at every turn. It is a negation of the human vocation as ordained by God, our Creator and Heavenly omniscient and omnipotent Creator. But what happens after life on earth? Only fools do not care for their souls! That swims in sin shall sink in sorrow. Most of us want to live on this earth as long as possible. Within us, there is an obsession with short-sighted and selfish desire to live forever as part of the fabric of disastrous follies. Is it possible? Given the evidence, the oracular and prophetic words of many who have clearly or vaguely perceived the truth in the "steady stream of truth.''The Holy Bible, the Book of all books, containing the eternal truth and universal, according to the eternal truth as ordained by God. " Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass. "(Mark 13:31) The sky is real! It 's a place of peace and joy. It also refers to the existence of a literal place called Hell, the opposite of heaven, the Holy Bible. "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God." (Psalm 09:17). do not believe in heaven or hell is calling Almighty God a liar, but is 'beginning of the shameful failure and loss. Never give away your empty life and this farce! Scripture says that there is only one way to Heaven and eternal bid bye-bye to Hell. There is only one truth that can set us free. There is only one life that human beings can give eternal life. Jesus Christ, the Son of God is "the Way, the Truth and the Life." professed as Jesus himself: "I am the way, the truth and the light: No one comes to the Father but by me "(John 14:6).

This belief, this faith, this statement of humility for our sanctification and salvation is an anticipation of heaven as we catch glimpses of God in our lives. This is the only way to overcome fear, anxiety, doubt, stress, danger and extremely alarming pressure today and tomorrow. Because of our sin, we rightly deserve to spend eternity in hell, but God in his merciful love and mercy sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, the heir of salvation, the Prince of Peace, to die on cross and pay the penalty for our sins (John 3:16-17). Before Christ came, a grave dark hopeless waiting for us down the road. But Christ has conquered death and rose from the dead. Because He conquered death through his passion, he can give us the triumphant victory over death, that hell, where we now, true believers spend eternity in Heaven. And because he lives, we fear tomorrow. For this reason the sting of physical death is not the worst thing that can happen to a Christian, but the loss of his soul! Heaven or hell will surely be determined by your faith in Jesus Christ and the grace of God alone.

Sitting at the right hand of the Father, He alone has the authority to determine who goes to heaven or hell (Rev 1:18). He will judge all men in the last days (Acts 17:30-31). Faith is not the reasoning, I think, no view, prayer is not research, is the master key is seriously needed. To get the taste front of heaven, then you must obey the injunction in the Book of Proverbs and Christ's Sermon on the Mount, and escape the company of bad men and women, fools and enjoyed cynics who doubt the truth. Do not live your life without divine wisdom! Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrew 11:6). What is your expectation of life in this mortal world?

Why bring all your problems on their own charges, and instead of submitting, surrender and throwing them to Jesus Christ? How old are your odyssey left here after the three points and ten years, appointed for man? Surely, we are pilgrims on earth. And at the end of this temporary stay, all must stand before Christ and give account of how they lived on this planet. The core values of truth and honesty, the cardinal virtues of piety, love, courage and fortitude have become crucial in our lives we are born again. Now, therefore, Jesus Christ, the blessed assurance is the only way to Heaven. No one can be saved except through him. If you die tonight, where you spend your eternity, heaven or hell? Will not you faithfully obey Him today so that heaven can be yours? If you want to be a child of God and escape the damnation of hell, and confess all your sins to God and honestly say this prayer in perfect obedience and perfect joy: Almighty Father, I come to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, His only son, who died on Calvary's cross for the forgiveness and the forgiveness of my sins and the sins of the world. Forgive all my sins, cleanse me with Your precious blood. Break my yoke with the power of your anointing and frees me from the clutches of those evil. Increase my faith in life as you did the apostles. Inspire me with wisdom to know the purpose of life and give meaning to my life according to your perfect will. I want to become your child and get back to you like the prodigal son, as now, and deliverance from the power of Satan and hell in the name of Jesus. Amen. On a note SPECIAL: A new life of holiness is your greatest miracle this time! The prospect of Heaven will truly inspire you with joy. You can now start to count your blessings while you receive the echoes of Christ's mercy and whispers of his love, as the anticipation of heaven. Attach a copy of the Holy Bible, read and meditate on the world. Manifest this change in your inner life as you start regular prayer, fasting and meditation, do your duty, and concern trust and kind to your neighbors, strangers and colleagues in the office or place of work for the glory of God Name things you can do today only for God's sake! As being and living is a real rebel against sin and evil through the atonement of Christ's exhortation in Romans (12:12) has become more relevant, as I love you dearly prospects of Heaven: "I urge you , brothers, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is your spiritual worship. And do not be conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God. " The message of life Spring of the Foundation is quite clear, with amazing grace: The only hope for the world is reconciliation with God through His son, leading to the awakening of the human heart to every person. May your new life in Christ be made alive and successful, and the eternal divine victory based on the belief and tenacity of purpose in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians (4:8):

"Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, all things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is some virtue and if there be any praise, think about these things. "

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