Sunday, July 8, 2012

The truth about the "Ten lost tribes" and why you need to know!

The United Kingdom of Israel split in two during the reign of Solomon's son, Rehoboam. The northern kingdom of Israel was composed of 10 tribes, headed by the tribe of Joseph, in their new capital called Samaria. The Southern Kingdom of Judah continued to rule from Jerusalem, with the Royal House of David preside over them. Both sinned against the God of Israel and were patiently warned by the prophets, but Northern Israel fell first and was deported by the Assyrians around 130 years before Judah was conquered by the Babylonians destroyed the Temple (2 Kg 17).

After 70 years, a small number of Jews returned and restored Jerusalem and built the Temple. Jews were deported to Babylon and were from the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The Northern Israelites had been taken captive earlier to other areas (2 Kg 17:6) and never returned. If you check the records of those who returned from the Babylonian exile it becomes clear that only those of the southern tribe of Benjamin, Levi and Judah returned. Some carelessly assume that just because they are sometimes referred to as children or the children of Israel, which means they were from the northern kingdom of Israel. However, Jacob-Israel had twelve sons, who were the patriarchs of the twelve tribes. Every Jew is an Israelite, an ethnic descendant of Jacob-Israel, but not every Israelite is a Jew!

And 'biblically and historically important to make this distinction between Jews and Israel and to be careful not to blur their identities (Ezek. 44:23). After all, God has devoted four books of the Bible to do just that!

But God intends for the North of Israel to remain lost? Since we acted like pagan Gentiles God we lose our spiritual mind and that we are kind, but it was the punishment for our religious sins should last forever? Not God's promise that He would preserve Israel's unique identity even though they were scattered and among many nations? Clearly God has never lost sight of who the "Lost Tribes" really are and where they are located today: "For behold, I command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as corn is sifted in a sieve, but not the least grain fall upon the earth "(Amos 9:9).

If knowledge of God, the condition of a sparrow, He certainly is more interested in the collective affairs of Israel, especially since we are beloved for the fathers' (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) love. But let Israel feeling helpless and distressed hopeless, dead to history, cut off from their roots, having given up any hope of being revived national, to be reassured by God Almighty that He restore their physical identity!

Once God begins the healing process, life-giving spirit of reconciliation between Judah and Israel will result in our restoration as the UK, One nation under God! God restores us to our ancient homeland and revive the Davidic monarchy to govern, but under Messiah. God's Sanctuary will again be found in Jerusalem, and shine as a signal to the world, since he comes home with the exiles (Ezek. 36).

Israel was only to remain lost until shortly before the coming of the Messiah. It was then that he began to fulfill our tribal destinies as prophesied by Jacob and Moses (Gen. 49, Deut. 33). The sons of Joseph, the Anglo-Saxons, have fulfilled the prophecies like no other "pretenders" to the succession of Israel can: Manasseh has become the largest single nation of the United States, and his brother Ephraim has become the British Commonwealth of Nations (Gen . 48:19), as clearly shown in the United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy.

After our prophesied 2520 years of exile, Israel began to grow and multiply and be blessed around 1800-1803. Reveals a Jewish homeland as our Jewish brethren also present in the moment right after their punishment is over, and boldly declared their statehood in 1948, holds the Promised Land in trust for all the twelve tribes (Romans 3:2).

Joseph and Judah are the two main leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. It 'was ordered that all the time God began to give birthright of Joseph which began to restore the identity of Israel is between the Anglo-Saxons and Jews (I Chron. 5:2). Some people have embraced this wonderful truth and consequently have drawn closer to each other as brothers, but some have foolishly permitted Satan to create enmity and alienate us. Soon "sibling rivalry" will be a thing of the past (Isaiah 11:13).

Some rabbis / ministers have stubbornly refused to try the "Lost Ten Tribes" and left them to wander in their gentle ways and pagan days! God takes MINISTERS responsible for not helping to restore Israel and LIABILITY ROOTS '! (Ezekiel 34:4). He'll personally cut off from the pulpit and strip them of their duties! They have proved unworthy of shepherding God's people of Israel have lost their future leaders. (Ezekiel 34:10, Matt. 12:30). However, God has raised up others to do this urgent "search and rescue" mission (Ezek. 34:16).

Surely God would not have left his church in the dark about the identity of Israel, especially since the Gospel should go first to Israel and then to the Gentiles. And the Gospel is a prophecy GREAT! .

Fortunately, there are an increasing number of groups and organizations, books and articles, Christians and Jews, who are assisting this GREAT WORK OF IDENTIFICATION Israelite. They contribute to proclaim: "I am Joseph your brother" (Gen. 45:4). The Jerusalem-based Brit-Am Israel organization is a pioneer among our Jewish brethren.

God reveals our Israelite identity and expects us to help restore our brethren to the biblical basis (Isaiah 42:22, 51:1-2). Those ministers who do not respond to God's call search and rescue Israel have robbed them of a right relationship with God and with our fathers, substituting pagan hollow days for days and holy days of God (Isa. 63:16; Os. 5 : 7; Malachi 4 :4-6). They stubbornly put their idolatrous traditions over the command of God, preferring doctrinal darkness and captivity over Messiah's spiritual light and freedom.

However, a number have been called from the womb to help restore the identity and religion of Israel (Isaiah 49:5-6), blasting Babylon and clearing away the rocks of religious confusion (Isa. 57:14; 58: 1, 12). Although our people as a whole reject the plain truth to the popular error (2 Chron. 30:5-11), in some precious always respond to God's call to leave Babylon (traditional Christianity / Jewish myths) and return to our biblical roots and responsibilities (I Kg 18:21, 36-37, Rev. 18:4).

It 'important to know that Israel is so they can return to the biblical faith once delivered. Why? To enable them to be spared from "time of trouble for Jacob", the "Great Tribulation" that is prophesied to fall especially hard on our heads. God expects us to work together to remember our Hebrew roots and responsibility, and to lead and direct our Israelite nations in the right direction (Jeremiah 31:21).

In order to warn Israel about the many prophecies that preview our coming captivity (due to our idolatry and immorality), it was first necessary for God to restore our identity. God has restored our identity, he is again warning our nations, and it's up to us what happens next.

We take to heart the Word of God, return to the God of our fathers, and hope: "If my people which are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from his ways evil, then I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land "(2 Chron. 7:14).

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