Friday, July 6, 2012

Want Revival? It Takes Prayer

Joel 2 verse 17 "Let the priests, ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give your legacy of reproach, that the Gentiles should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? "

Although it is our God? The God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Paul, Peter, John and the other is waiting for our prayers to him. Do not know about you, but I know we need a revival of our country, a big turn toward the Lord God. He is waiting to show himself strong on behalf of those who love him. Prayer is the key to move the hands of God and prayer fervant effective than a very fair val. When is the last time you gathered with others only to pray? Maybe your church is experiencing a drought, and the Lord longs to make a new work among you. They meet to pray.

I remember my late uncle's church, Rev. Owen Rozier, the Pleasant Hill, who has the right recovery from Uncle Owen went to be with Jesus (see article below). Although not a member there, I was invited to a prayer meeting for men, before the awakening has been to begin. We turned the lights down low, and gathered around the altar to seek God's blessings on rebirth (over 70 men who attended that church, there were only 15 of us praying). Let me tell you, the glory of the Lord, he fell into the small Baptist church, as we all poured our broken hearts to the Lord. To listen to grown men weeping at the altar is a sound I will never forget!

The following week, the Lord added 15 souls of that church, and members were very encouraged. And if all 70 + men had attended? Perhaps the Lord would have added 70 +. Prayer is the key!

Joel 2 verse 18 "Then the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people."

Back home ... Faith Honors God and his servants

This is a short version from story number five (out of 50) from my newly published book, my walk with the Lord.

Psalm 116.15: "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints."

I had a dear uncle, the Rev. Owen Rozier, who came down with cancer. Although her body was weak, his faith in God was strong. Just like the verse in Amazing Grace "Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come," Uncle Owen had his share of tribulations, while preaching the word for over thirty years. He and my father, the late Rev. AJ Rozier, neighbors were old and close as brothers. Daddy went home to be with the Lord in 1966 and was promoted in 1987.

On July 17, 1987, at about 7:00, the Lord spoke to me and said: "I'm going to take home tonight Uncle Owen. Go to his house. While I was driving there, the song "I Will not have to cross Jordan Alone" came on the radio. He played twice. As her eyes filled with tears, the Lord has confirmed what he had told me.

When I arrived at his uncle's furnace, I noticed several other cars were there. Other people started to arrive. No one had called them to come. The Lord has so Uncle Owen would preach his last sermon. We all gathered around his bed, I read Psalm 23. Uncle Owen asked someone to pray, and then weakly preached his last sermon .. the few words he spoke was invaluable.

As one of his daughters sang a beautiful song, one that had not sung in 20 years, Uncle Owen took his last breath and went home to be with Jesus

What was amazing about this is several days earlier, Uncle Owen told me that he wanted to preach one more service. As I prayed for him that day, I asked God to honor his request. On his deathbed, Uncle Owen preached a sweet service. God honors the faith of His servants!

Rev 14.13: "And I heard a voice from heaven saying to me. Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth:" Yes, says the Spirit, they rest from their labors and their works will follow. "

Rev. Irvin Rozier, Captain (Ret) U.S. Army aka walkin2e

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