Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Church is a friend to survivors of abuse?

After six years, I left an abusive relationship with a partner of X (we were not married) in October 2004. He had verbally, emotionally, psychologically and sexually abused me since the birth of my daughter in October 2001. He also had abused my daughter physically, as in so many ways that I had abused since he started crawling. He also neglected her.

After leaving that relationship, I moved with my parents and began attending church with them. I just got custody of my daughter and we prepared for a new life together. Then the judge decided they were going to give my X-part / joint custody. He would have four days a week while I was his only 3 days. The court began the transition and prepare my daughter for this, I was angry with God, questioning why he would allow this to happen. Well, in short, once again chose to leave the church. Two of the four new church pastors exactly what I experienced and what is ongoing and not yet a phone call.

I felt as if the church does not care about me. I began to see the church as my enemy. I feel as if I was convicted because he was not married then somehow, magically, I have not gone through this abuse. Needless to say I have not come back to this or any other church. This church had argued that they wanted to meet people wherever they were but I found that to be a lie. This makes me wonder if any church wants to truly embrace and care for its members. I wonder if any church is really friendly and attentive.

I found the church filled with Christians toxic shooting the wounded and condemn the victim. Yet, I know this is not as it should be. I know this is not how God wants His church to do. I was told this in three specific places in the Bible: Romans 15:1-7, Galatians 6:02 ("Carry each other's burdens, and in this way satisfies the law of Christ."), And Col 3, 12 -14. Unfortunately it's been my experience that the church doesn 'behave this way though.

The church is full of imperfect human beings, many of whom have no idea how it feels to have been abused. These people do not realize the amount of pain, so it is easy for them to be insensitive enough to brush aside as a minor inconvenience in a surviving companion Would not even consider. I encourage you, my fellow church members to consider your actions and how Christ would look upon them. I think you will agree that it is spiritual to be on the firing line when you can walk. I long for the day when they can find a church that is able to be my friend. I yearn to find a church that is able to truly forgive and accept me in all my humanness. If you are a member of that church, thank God! If not, I encourage you to work to help your church become the kind of church that welcomes and helps to heal the survivors of abuse in the same way as Christ himself would accept and help these survivors to heal.

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