Friday, June 8, 2012

The Ancient Modern Kolbrin warnings of threats

Kolbrin The text is a substantial Biblical-era wisdom of immense value to comparative religion scholars, space threat researchers and philosophers. The first books of this ancient manuscript were written following the Jewish exodus from Egypt. Unlike the Bible and the Koran, however, offers a non-judgmental view of ancient times that bridges the secular thought and secular. And warnings and urgent projects across the millennia to those of us living today. The message is clear Kolbrin. Soon to natural disasters that will visit death and destruction on us on a scale unimaginable.

Kolbrin The manuscript is 372,882 words long and is now available globally for the first time, the world your books in both paperback (548 pages, 8.268 x 11.693 "x 1.54") and eBook (Adobe, Microsoft, Mobipocket, Palm) editions. These editions are designed for collaborative work groups, such as La Kolbrin offers a new wealth of knowledge:

SCHOLARS comparative religion

The Kolbrin provides valuable insights through the writing of ancient authors for those seeking a better understanding of their faith through comparative analysis. This is because the reflected Kolbrin edge metaphysical and philosophical thought of ancient times. Some believe that may have had a direct influence on the teachings of Jesus, the Bible and the Koran given accounts of his hiding in Egypt. This is because many of the original books of The Kolbrin were written in Egypt, Jesus, because that would put near them.


For those concerned about space threats, the Kolbrin offers an accurate description of a massive object called "The Destroyer" which orbits the Sun and is due to return with catastrophic results in the near future. It is also linked to Nostradamus "Bearded Star," Mother Shipton's "Fiery Dragon" and "red alert Comet of the Mayan Calendar Prophecies.


Kolbrin differs from the Bible and the Koran as it provides a humanist paradigm consistent with many New Age beliefs. Personal accounts in Kolbrin offers invaluable insights into the origins of religious thought and metaphysical soon after the Jewish exodus from Egypt, and finally took root during the early European Renaissance in the 14th century. In many ways, the writings offer antique Kolbrin a time machine trip back to the genesis of the humanist movement.

A story similar to the Library of Alexandria

The parallels between the "bag" of the Library of Alexandria and the near loss of The Kolbrin are of interest to scholars, researchers and philosophers alike.

Founded at the beginning of the 3rd century BC, the Library of Alexandria was the world's largest at that time. It 'was burned during the invasion of Julius Caesar in Alexandria (47-48 BC). According to the Roman philosopher and author, Aulus Gellius (123-169), the "sack" of Alexandria led to the destruction of 700,000 rolls, the pitiful few that survived only whet our regrets this tragic loss. Strangely, the same fate nearly Kolbrin.

Some theorize that the scrolls in Egypt Kolbrin were taken as war booty during the 11th century Crusade and secreted away by the Saxon monks at Glastonbury Abbey in Britain for safekeeping. However, much of Kolbrin was lost when arsonists set fire to 'Glastonbury Abbey in 1184. Fortunately, some of the original manuscripts were written on thin sheets of bronze in an effort to protect them from destruction. These bronze sheets were kept in crates covered with copper and known as the Bronzebook Britain. They were then combined with another collection, called The Coelbook, to become the Kolbrin.

WHY THE RELEVANT KOLBRIN is urgent to modern times

Some of the guiding principles of Kolbrin were recently reaffirmed in the declaration of the last rites of Pope John Paul II April 2, 2005. "Unforgivable sins this earth must confront and overcome are Nationalism, capitalism, and hoarding. The idea of every nation should be forgot, price should be struck from the commons and princes should be seen for the devils they are. The sins are our church, secret societies and other religions which make of God's spirit, a division. "


The need to study the Kolbrin is urgent, because we would caution against a long period object called "The Destroyer", who is coming back. Despite the lack of scientific verbiage today, the accounts contained in The Kolbrin last flyby event are factually prescient and help explain current perturbations in our solar system. More importantly, Kolbrin gives us new hope by telling us how humanity survived and evolved across the last flyby of "The Destroyer".

For those with a limited budget, the publisher offers a special edition low-cost Mobipocket format. In addition, most local libraries will acquire a copy of the print version on request.

The Kolbrin: Your books world, First Edition
Read more:
Free Samples:
Marshall Masters, The Citation System Kolbrin
Janice Manning, Editor

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