Saturday, June 23, 2012

The machine that God used

Ecclesiastes 3.1 "For everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."

I had an old Pontiac that the Lord gave me in answer to prayer. Moved someone to buy for me while I was walking at the time of my journey with the Lord. I was glad of that old car and the old man who sold us was happy to get rid of it. A thousand dollars I can drive. Soon, the engine went bad and had to be replaced. This gave me the opportunity to speak with a man of his eternal destination (witness is called).

Well, after the engine was fixed, the transmission went bad. I had a mechanic who grew up with the fix for $ 300. Again, I was moved by the Spirit to bear witness to this man. You see, her mother had prayed for him for years, asking the Lord to send someone to talk to her son Jesus. I was somebody, and the Lord had prepared for my transmission to close the door would open.

Approximately 28 days after fixing the transmission went again. I was in town and the car rolled into a front of a house by the railroad tracks. I went home (about two miles) and called the mechanic who had repaired the transmission. I reported my problem, and he said, "Okay, I'll get the tow truck and go get it. Where is it?" I told him where it was (I got the house number before leaving the car). I heard a brief pause and then said: "I live in that house." I had no idea who lived there, I thought that was living with his shop which was about three miles away. Well, went to take the car and called me after he had set. He said: "There will be no charge as a warranty of 30 days is in force. By the way, I can not believe where the car stopped." I replied: "The Lord works in wonderful ways, his wonders to perform."

A few months later, I took my daughter, Joy, in Hinesville to take a friend who had met while going to school there. On the way back, I heard a thunk and looked in the rearview mirror and saw one of my tires rolling down the street. I pulled up on the shoulder of the road, and says the girls to sit there while I inspected the damage.

All nuts had separated in July which caused the tire to roll on. I went looking for the tire, but never found. Previously, when I looked in the mirror, I saw a car stop. I guess he picked up the tire. Must be worse than I need.

I walked up to the house of a man, told him what had happened and introduced myself. He knew my father and said more than twenty years ago, my father had prayed for him. God created this divine appointment to remind me of my dad had planted seeds (He died in 1966 at the age of forty years .. was a preacher). My car had stopped at that exact spot for a divine purpose. He let me use his phone and I called my mechanic. I said, "it's me again. My tire rolled away." He stopped and said: "I take the tow truck and we come to you."

After replacing the tire and lug nuts, they locked safely and said: "That will be $ 75." I have paid, "said the Lord certainly does work in mysterious ways, and said under my breath to the Lord:" Lord, you are seeing this to be expensive! "The Lord replied:" I am responding to his mother's prayers with sent by the user. I know I can trust you to tell him what I tell you to tell him. "

Two weeks later, the same rubber has become shaky again. It took me back to the mechanic and he said, "What now?" I replied: "I lug nuts are loose again." We checked with a look of shock said: "Someone, instead of putting metric standard nuts on this wheel. You have enemies?" I replied: "Yes, one ... the Devil." As he pronounced these words, I heard the testimony of the Holy Spirit, and knew my mission was accomplished. I had planted the seeds that were to be planted, and God gave the increase. I had some problems with others that the old Pontiac, but I never went back to see that particular mechanic. Eventually I sold my old car for $ 100.

Hosea 14.9 "Who is wise, and he understood these things, prudent, and he knows them? For God's ways are right, and right paths in them: but transgressors shall fall there."

These events happened in 1989 with the Pontiac. The mechanic testified today I sing in a gospel group singing with his four brothers. God gave the increase!

Irvin L. Rozier

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