Saturday, June 30, 2012

What is, If I Die?

What if I die?
Psalms 88:10-88:11

What if I die? What it means to be dead? The biblical response. All Scripture is good for education, the Bible says so. So lets talk about the thing people fear most, death and the grave. Many people are so afraid of death, they buy tombs above ground crypts. Death itself is a sting to the spirit and soul of a person, Jesus said in Scripture. I think it's more frightening unknown event. We have no idea when, where and how we leave this life, but we know that death is inevitable. We can not run from it, hide it, avoid or reason with it will come to us all. I discovered, first hand, we can not control the time of our death or the circumstances surrounding it. I discovered that the old saying, "We're just a heartbeat away from eternity." It's true. But what does the Bible say about the grave? Psa 88:10 You Want) (God show wonders for the dead? Are dead () organizations arise and praise thee? Selah. (Pause and reflect) Sometimes we make the mistake of not stopping in our studies to reflect on what we have read, because if we are not sure of losing something that the Holy Spirit wanted us to see. We find that the Psalmist is not only God is debate on the state of his body after death, but of all the organs after death. He essentially asked: "Want to talk to the dead and show their wonders, and get up and glorify you for the things they see?"

Psa 88:11 will be your kindness (Love and Mercy be declared () spoken) in the grave? or your fidelity to destruction? (Will promise to speak)

Psa 88:12 Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? Death () and your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? Grave ()

Psa 88:18 Lover and friend thou hast put far from me (I've separated the ones I have known and loved in life.) (My friend and know everything I knew) in the dark. (No) The lack of memory recall mention here only indicates that the dead are right, but I do not remember the unjust remember what they did, that caused them to perish. Many people argue this point, saying that we can get together with family and friends in Paradise, but I found no written to run on that claim. The more attempts to use it, 1Co 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part but then I know perfectly well, as I am known. Revelations read correctly explains that we are known as on the corners with the word and our testimonies. There has to be given a new name that no one knows. Ref: Rev 2:17 He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches, he wins I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and stone a new name written, that no man knows savings you receive.

Thus PSA. 88:18, describing the dead Giusti () as having no memory of an individual. You can imagine the tears Those that he remembered family and went looking for them and not find Them, they know that a loved one That never done it WAS right with God and suffering in Hell? Our Father will not let that happen. Many say they will meet with their pets in heaven, is not likely, the Bible says, NO.
03:21 Etc. Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, in the view () and the spirit of the beast goes down to earth? (Back to where it was created)

Etc. 09:02 All things are equal to all: there is an event () Death to the righteous and the wicked, good and clean and unclean, to him that a sacrifice, and he that sacrifices not: as good, so is the sinner, and he who swears, as he fears an oath. What are talking about here is that no matter who you are, or holy time

sinner, good or bad, just or unjust, we all have one thing in common, Death.

ECC 09:03 This is bad, event () among all living things () that is done under the sun (things you do on earth), there is an event () to death all: yes, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after going to the dead.

09:04 ECC for him that is joined to all living things () still alive there is hope: for [a live dog (sometimes refers to Gentiles) is better than a dead lion. (Sometimes refers to a king)] This is one of my favorite verses in Scripture. Translated that means, until someone lives in the body (), there is hope for the conversion to justice, but after the person is dead there is no hope for change. The body is alive only if the spirit lives. Many people believe that if a man dies unfair, he can be asked to purgatory and be renewed in God's house This assumption is wrong and unfounded in Scripture. Jesus said that as a tree falls) (man so will be raised. Judgeship ().

09:05 ECC for the living know that they will die: but the dead know not anything, nor have more of a reward, because their memory is forgotten. After the spirit leaves the body at death, the works that man has stopped. He can not do more harm or good. He can not ask for forgiveness and his works on earth are then considered.

09:06 Etc. Also their love, their hate and their envy, is now dead (the emotions of the individual is no longer earthly, hatred, love, envy are all gone), or are more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun. (The body of man or spirit can never affect the world of the living) do many of the dead saints, but should rather make holy life because God is the God of the living and the dead. Ref: Mat 22:32 I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? God is not God of the dead but of the living.

Etc. 9:10 will find your hand any thing to do, do it with thy might (What ever you get to do in this life, do it with all my heart) because there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave (It is said that the grave is cold and lonely, not according to Scripture. There are actions of body, no movement or feeling of any kind) (becomes only the shell which we have nothing 'else.), where you go. (The body has no knowledge nor will ever know the fate of the soul of the man who once lived inside.) Pray that this lesson will be a help for Those Who Still wondering death and those who have already left. This lesson by all means not all conclusive, only a small portion to enlighten those who have questions. Ars.

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