Thursday, June 14, 2012

The water well

Numbers 21.7: "Then Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well, sing it to you."

I received a call from a friend. He wanted to help dig a well for a small church in the county board next. Over the years, this church had many difficulties, including wells go dry. When he asked me to help him, I felt the presence of the Lord so the Lord knew that I had just given another mission.

I loaded my tools on my old Datsun pick-up (was oil, so I just poured the oil for the engine and let it escape through the cracks! Not really, just kidding, although he used much oil). I drove the 16 miles to the church where they had gathered some others to help dig the well. Before we started, we are all united in a prayer circle and asked the Lord to bless our efforts and the church.

After the prayer, I said, 'Let me go down in that pit open to see if it can be cleaned. " I went down a staircase, and about 12 meters, since the well was clogged with debris of all kinds. I climbed up the stairs and said: "This is clearly what has happened to this church over the years. He needs a new spring of fresh water ... a new well."

An elderly man told us: "Well, you can try to dig a new well, but probably will not succeed. All five wells have been failures." These wells had been dug in places where someone had used a dowsing rod to determine where underground water was the source. I knew that the use of divination was not of God (Deuteronomy 18:10).

I prayed and asked the Lord to show me where to dig. I know that God knows where everything is located. He answered my prayer and showed me a place and said we would hit water at 29 feet. We started digging and things started to go wrong. Pipes broke. Pumps torn. The enemy did not want us to get some water!

Three days later, the fresh water was fresh from the deep well 29 feet. The church began to grow and prosper and 12 years later, the water continues to flow ... despite the severe drought experienced in the state of Georgia. Not only the members of the church grew and grew, and the Lord continues to bless this church to this day.

The day he hit the water, I left for home. My old Datsun engine is blown up, and I was stuck on the road. In five minutes, a man approached and offered to give me a lift. He said: "I usually do not stop to help anyone, but for some reason I had to stop." As I walked home, I told him what I had done and some men who had helped. One of these men was his first cousin who had not seen in a while '. I finished talking to this man Jesus and pray for him. Even failures and links are ordered by the Lord.

Later, I sold the Datsun 100 USD. The man took the truck and I was never paid. Even the Church has forgotten to pay me for work on the property. Oh well, I know everything belongs to God

John 4.14: "But whoever drinks the water I shall give him shall never thirst but the water I give him will become in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Irvin L. Rozier

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